Up-regulation of insulin independent GLUT4 transporters in skeletal muscle cell membranes
Up-regulation of insulin receptors in skeletal muscle cell membranes
Diabetes mellitus v diabetes insipidus
Diabetes – “running through”
Diuresis: large flow of water
Mellitus – “sweet”
Osmotic diuresis
Solute loss (glucose) w/ accompanying water loss
Glucosuria: glucose in the urine
≈ 180 mg/dL whole blood: renal threshold for some nephrons
≈ 300 mg/dL whole blood: renal threshold for all nephrons
Cause: lack of insulin or functional insulin receptors
Insipidus – “non-sweet”
Water diuresis
Solvent loss w/o accompanying solute loss:
Cause: lack of vasopressin or functional vasopressin receptors
Central diabetes insipidus
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Diabetes testing
Blood glucose tests
Fasting – 8 hours
Expected glucose concentrations
Expected insulin?
Oral glucose tolerance test
Test ability to respond to glucose
Fasting – 8 hours
Drink glucose solution
Type I diabetes mellitus, also known as insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes, is a condition where the individual lacks the ability to produce insulin due to autoimmune destruction of β cells.
Type I diabetes mellitus results in low plasma insulin levels and high plasma glucose levels, leading to an inability to absorb glucose.
Tonic activity of glucagon is a characteristic feature of Type I diabetes mellitus.
Continued liver glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis are common in Type I diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus pathophysiology
↓ blood volume
↓ blood pressure
↑ plasma osmolarity
Metabolic acidosis
Ketone production
Circulatory failure requires a switch to anaerobic metabolism: produces additional metabolic acids
Continued lipolysis and protein breakdown are also common in Type I diabetes mellitus.
Osmotic diuresis is a common occurrence in Type I diabetes mellitus.
Glucose transport maximum (Tmax) is a key concept in Type I diabetes mellitus.
If the filtered load is greater than the Tmax, the substance will be present in the urine.
Diabetes mellitus pathophysiology
Tissue loss
Continued catabolism
Augments hyperglycemia
No insulin signal to satiety center
↑ appetite
Glucosuria, defined as plasma [glucose] ≈ 180 mg/dL, is a common occurrence in Type I diabetes mellitus.
Water follows the solute in Type I diabetes mellitus.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complication of Type I diabetes mellitus, characterized by ↑ lipolysis, ↑ plasma ketones, and ↑ ketones in urine, leading to ↑ H+ in plasma.
Other problems associated with Type I diabetes mellitus include ↑ Na+ loss and additional water loss, ↓ plasma volume, ↓ arterial pressure, and ↓ blood flow.
The number of glucose transporters in skeletal muscle cells is unknown.
Type II diabetes mellitus: non-insulin dependent diabetes (adult onset)
Decreased sensitivity to insulin
Often normal or elevated plasma insulin levels – may progress to reduced insulin
High plasma glucose levels
Resistin hormone is produced in response to excess adipose tissue and is involved in inflammation.
Treatment for insulin resistance includes diet and weight reduction, and exercise.
Down-regulation of glucose transporters in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue is a factor in insulin resistance.
Defective β pancreatic cells do not increase insulin secretion at high plasma glucose levels.
Inability to absorb glucose
Continued liver glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis
Continued lipolysis
Hypoglycemia: low plasma glucose concentration
Usually in fasted-state
Potential causes
Excess insulin
Β cell tumor
Excess insulin injection
↑ insulin secretion (sulfonylureas for type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment)
Poor fasted-state regulation
Liver disease
Inactive α cells & ↓ glucagon secretion
↓ glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis
↓ cortisol
Sympathetic system responses
Nervousness, ↑ heart rate, sweating, anxiety
Lack of glucose to brain
Headache, confusion, dizziness, lack of coordination