Why was the League of Nations set up in 1919? Because Wilson wanted it more than anything else.
What Treaty set up the League of Nations? Treaty of Versailles
The League of Nations was set up in 1919 because Wilson wanted it more than anything else.
The Treaty of Versailles set up the League of Nations.
The four aims of the League of Nations were to stop wars, improve people's lives and jobs, disarmament, and enforce the Treaty of Versailles.
When Wilson went back home to America, the Senaterefused to join the League or ratify the Treaty of Versailles.
Many Americans were German immigrants and hated the Treaty of Versailles.
Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might involve Americans dying in a war.
Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might cost money.
Many Americans were anti-British and hated the British Empire (the American revolution had been to get out of the British Empire).
In 1919, 42 countries joined the League of Nations.
In the 1930s, the League of Nations had 60 members.
The four main members of the League of Nations were Britain, France, Italy, and Japan.
The four powers the League of Nations had to enforce its decisions were Covenant, Condemnation, Arbitration, and Sanctions.
The League of Nations did not have an army which made it hard for it to enforce its decisions.
The eight main parts of the League’s organisation were Secretariat, Council, Assembly, Court of International Justice, Health Committee, International Labour Organisation, Refugees Commission, and Mandates Commission.
The League of Nations’ Assembly met once a year.
The League of Nations’ Council met 4-5 times a year, and when necessary.
The Court of International Justice of the League of Nations settled small disputes.
The Health Committee of the League of Nations tried to improve the health of the people of the world.
The Slavery Committee of the League of Nations tried to free all slaves.
The Refugee Committee of the League of Nations tried to get refugees home, or into camps.
The job of the Secretariat of theLeague of Nations was to organise the work of the committees, and liaise between them.