The predominant type of ducks used for egg production is the Pateros type or Mallard (itik). while muscovy (bibi) and pekin ducks are used for meat needs.
Ameraucana lay blue eggs
Araucana - blue eggs
Cream Legbar - blue eggs
Easter egger - blue, green. and pinkish/cream eggs
Olive egger - green eggs
favaucana lay green eggs
sussex lay pinkishcream eggs
Java lay pinkishcream eggs
Australorp lay pinkish cream eggs
Silkie lay pinkish cream eggs
Orpington lay pinkishcream eggs
Faverolles lay pinkishcream eggs
welsummer lay dark brown eggs
Barnevelder lay darkbrown eggs
marans and penedesenca lay darkbrowpn eggs
Leghorn lay white eggs
andalusian lay white eggs
ancona lay white eggs
lakenvelder lay white eggs
polish lay white eggs
hamburg lay white eggs
Ameraucana lay blue eggs
The Native or Pateros duck is commonly called itik, and is most popularly raised locally. Their eggs are large.
The predominant colors of Pateros duck are black and gray. Males have coarser heads and heavier bills than females.
Khaki campbell ducks ahve characteristic brown color, extremely bactive habits, do well good range and show little desires for swimming.
Khaki campbell ducks lay as many as 300 or more eggs a year weighing 70-75 grams each
Commercial hybrid duck is known as CV2000. Lay eggs about 20 weeks of age. It can lay up to 285 eggs up to 72 weeks of age. Disringuished by pure white feathers.
provide each duck with atleast 3-4 sqaure feet of floor space
a house of 100 ducks should measure 4x4 meters and 3 meters hiugh
bree=d birds when they are 8 weeks old, and again at 4-5 months old
drakes are male ducks
one drake may be mated to 6-10 ducks
The muscovy duck os a natural mother
Native or pateros duck are non sitters, so they require a balutan or hatchery
egg containers of pateros eggs are wood containers measuring 3x4x4 feet