Strange Situation

Cards (5)

  • what is the strange situation?
    • controlled observational study by Ainsworth
    • observing a babies through a two-way mirror to asses their attachment towards their mother and the quality of the attchment
  • what was the aim of the Strange Situation?
    to identify attachment types of an infant to its parent
    • attachment types: secure attachment, insecure-resistant, insecure -avoidant
  • What was the sample of the Strange Situation?
    100 middle class American mothers and their babies
  • what was the method used in the Strange situation?
    • observing a mother and her baby (9-18months old) in a controlled environment
    • there were 7 distinct episodes each lasting 3 minutes
    • these episodes involved the infants being assessed on their response to a stranger& being alone with the stranger, playing in an unfamiliar room and being left alone by their mother then reunited with their mother
  • what were the 4 main infant-caregiver behaviours in the SS?
    • stranger anxiety
    • separation anxiety
    • infants willingness to explore/ using parents as a secure base
    • reunion behaviour