Offender profiling

Subdecks (2)

Cards (36)

  • What is offender profiling?
    A behavioural and analytical tool that is intended to help investigator is to accurately predict and profile the characteristics of unknown criminals
  • when was the top down approach created?
    made by the FBI in 1970’s
  • how did the FBI create the top-down approach?
    they drew data gathered from in depth interviews with 36 sexually motivated murderers including Ted Bundy and Charles manson
  • how did the top down approach categorised data?
    organised and disorganised crimes
  • what happens if evidence found at the crime scene matched a category?
    means that the other characteristics can be predicted to be likely from that category
  • what is an organised criminal?
    Planned in advance, high controlled, above average intelligence, do not leave evidence, socially and sexually confident, usually married and have children
  • what is a disorganised criminal?
    little planning, spontaneous, lack of control, below average IQ, history of sexual dysfunction or failed relationships, tend to live alone and close to crime scene
  • what type of criminal was ted bundy?
    organised criminal
  • Why was ted bundy an organised criminal?
    He was handsome,charming and intelligent, he organised his crimes and left little evidence
  • what is step one of constructing an FBI profile?
    data assmilation, the profiler reviews evidence such as crime scene photos, pathology reports, witness reports etc
  • what is step 2 of constructing an FBI profile?
    crime scene classification, if the crime is either organised or disorganised
  • what is step 3 of constructing a FBI profile?
    hypotheses in terms of the sequencing of events, behaviour of victims etc
  • what is step 4 of a FBI profile?
    profile generalisation, a hypothesis related to the offender