What would the ending be if you combined two elements together?
What would the ending be if you combined three elements together?
How do you display if there are more than one elements on an element?
Add a littlenumbernext two it
What does it mean if they is a big number infront of all the elements?
It means there is thatmanyelements for all of the elementsfollowing it
What do you do if they is a big number at the start of the element sequence and a small number next to one element?
Times them together to find the totalnumber of elements for that element
What is a chemical reaction?
A change that takes place when one or moresubstances called reactants form one or morenew substances called products
What does the state symbol "s" stand for?
What does the state symbol "l" stand for?
What does the state symbol "g" stand for?
What does the state symbol "aq" stand for?
Aqueous (dissolved in water)
In chemical processes, which type of number are you only allowed to use?
Big numbers
How do you balance equations?
By addingnumbers only either side to make it equal on bothsides
What is an element?
A single element that is notcombined with anything else
What is a compound?
A substance composed of two or moreelementschemicallybonded together.
What is the process of filtration?
Fold the filterpaper into quarters to create a pocket and place in the funnel.
Place the funnel in the conicalflask.
Pour the salt,sand and watersolution gently into the filterpaper in the funnel.
The residue left in the filterpaper is the sand which I have now successfully separated
What is the process of crystillisation?
Place the evaporatingdish on top of the tripod.
Pour a smallamount of filtrate into the dish.
Heat on a gentleflame until nearly all of the water has evaporated.
Turn the bunsenburner off as soon as you start to see saltcrystals form. Make sure you do this straightaway so the saltcrystals don't spitout at you.
Place the dish on the window cill for the rest of the water to evaporate, leaving behind the saltcrystals.
What is chromatography?
The process that can be used to find out whatcolours are mixedtogether in different paints,dyes or inks
What does relative solubility of the components of a mixture determin?
How far the inktravelsup the paper during chromatography. The more soluble a substance is in the solvent the further up the paper it is carried
What is distillation?
A process that uses evaporation and condensation to obtain a solvent (liquid) from a solution
Why would simple distillation not work properly?
If the difference between the twoboilingpoints is less than 25degrees
What is the radius of an atom?
What is the weight of an atom?
1 x 10-23
What charge are neutrons?
What is the mass of protons and neutrons?
What charge are protons?
What charge are electrons?
What did James Chadwick (1932) do?
He discovered the existenceofneutrons
What did John Dalton (1766/1844) do?
He stated that all matter is made from atoms, that atoms are identical in mass and properties and that atoms cannot be created or destroyed
What did Niels Bohr (1885-1962) do?
He stated that electronsoccupyseparateshells around the nucleus, that electronstravel around the atoms and their energylevels can go up if given enoughenergy.
What did Ernest Rutherford (1911) do?
They stated that mostmass is concentrated in the centre and he discovered the proton. He also disproved the "plumpudding"model.
What did Ernest Marsden and Hans Geiger (1908) do?
They did a goldfoilexperiment which led them to discover that an atom has a nucleus that is positivelycharged.
What JJ Thomson (1897) do?
He discovered electrons and that they were liketheatom. He came up with the "plum pudding" model to represent electrons.
What is the mass number?
The number of protons+ the number of neutrons
What is the atomic number?
The number of protons
What is the charge of an atom?
What is the number of protons equal to?
The number of electrons
Is the mass number on the top or the bottom?
The top
Is the atomic number on the top or the bottom?
The bottom
How do you work out the number of neutrons on an element?
Do the massnumber- the atomicnumber
Where do the electrons go on the shells?
The electrons occupyshells or orbit around the nucleus of the atom