God's loving plan of salvation draws the human person out of the clutches of sin and it restores his or her dignity as child of God.
It is important to commit oneself to respect and promote human dignity in their relationships with others, society, and nature through believing, following and worshiping Christ.
Praise and worship God for creating them with dignity and develop one’s prayer and sacramental life as they discern how they can best serve others.
The human person is the crowning glory of God’s creation; we are special.
God makes us rulers of His creation, and by “rulers,” it means He makes us stewards over the works of His hands.
This is the message of the Scripture in this lesson.
Human dignity is naturally associated with a person as an essential characteristic.
As persons in experience, humans are special and unique among all other creations, with identities as historical beings, embodied spirits, conscious beings, relational beings, and unique yet fundamentally equal.
As Christians, humans look to Christ not only as the perfect exemplar of being fully human, but also as the source of their strength.
According to Genesis 1:26, humans are created in the image of God, also known as Imago Dei.
Humans are God's masterpiece, special and unique among all other creations, with intellect and free will, and God has given us the gift of dignity.
Humans journey toward their common destiny to share in God’s life, believing and hoping that they will be received in the company of all Christ’s joyous members together in everlasting life.
Human dignity cannot and must not be violated by all kinds of violations.
Human dignity cannot be transferred away.
Humans are historical beings, embodied spirits, conscious beings, relational beings, and unique yet fundamentally equal.
Christ through His Paschal mystery taught us that what makes us truly human is not our sin but our capacity to love.
We are sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is present to us through His Holy Spirit.
The human person is the crown of God's creation.
We are created in God's image and likeness.
Christ revealed to us how our common human dignity is grounded on the love of God, who sustains us, redeems us, empowers us to love, and calls us to share in His own eternal life.
Every human being possesses the dignity of a person.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to love and transforms us to grow in love.
All persons belong to God's family and are destined to share in the happiness and freedom of God's children.
By His Resurrection, Christ opened the way so that we, too, may share in His new life as adopted sons and daughters of the Father.
Our destiny is to be with God.
We have been redeemed by Christ because of His perfect self-giving love for the Father and for us, Christ saved us by showing us what it means to love and empowering us to overcome the power of sin.