why do plants require a transport system? they have largesurfacearea to volumeratioshighmetabolicrates and they are multicellular.
what are vascular bundles? vessels within the plant which function to transportwater and sugars from one part of the plant to another
what is found within vascular bundles? xylem and phloem vessels and sclerenchyma fibres
what is the function of sclerenchyma fibres? to provide support to the stem
what do xylem vessels do? transport water and mineralions from the roots to the rest of the plant
describe the structure of xylem vessels xylem vessels are made up of deadhollowcells with noendcellwalls allowing xylem cells to be stacked on top of one another to form onecontinuoustube
what do the cell walls of xylem vessels contain? pits which allow water and mineralions to move in and out of the vessel
what does lignin do? strengthens the cellwalls of the xylem vessel providing structure and support to the plant
what is the role of phloem vessels? they transport dissolvedsubstances from sources to sinks
what two types of cell are phloem vessels made up of? sievetubeelements and companioncells
what are sieve tube elements? living cells joinedend to end to form sievetubes
describe the structure of sieve tube elements and link to how this allows them to perform their function the ends of each element contain a sieveplate which allows solutes to move from one cell to the next. these cells contain noorganelles and verylittlecytoplasm to allow morespace for solutes to be transported
what are companion cells? cells which are paired with sievetubeelements as these cells cannot survive without organelles
what do companion cells contain? a nucleus and lots of mitochondria to provide energy for the activeloading of sucrose into the sievetubeelement
how are sieve tube elements and companion cells connected? through plasmodesmata
how does water enter the plant? through the soil where it enters roothaircells by osmosis
why does water enter the root hair cells? there is always a higherwaterpotential in the soil compared to the plant because water is constantlylost from the leaves in transpiration. this means that water moves down the water potential gradient into the roothaircells
state the pathway of water after entering from the soil soil - roothaircells - through rootcortex and epidermis - xylem
what is the symplast pathway? when water moves from cell to cell via the cytoplasm as neighbouring cells are connected by plasmodesmata
what is the apoplast pathway? when water moves from cell to cell through the cell walls
why do the roots have the casparian strip? usually through the apoplast pathway water and dissolvedsubstances bypass the ccell membrane. the casparian strip is impermeable to water and so forces water to go through a cell membrane that controlswhatsubstancescanenter. once water has passed through the casparian strip water can reach the xylem
what is tension? the suctionforce created after transpiration when morewater is pulled into the leaf to replacelostwater
what is cohesion? when water molecules are attracted to one another and strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules causes them to sticktogether to form a column of water
when tension pulls water up the xylem the whole column of water moves upwards
what is adhesion? the attraction of water to non-water molecules which causes water to be attracted to the xylem walls. this facilitates movement of water up the xylem
what is transpiration? the loss of watervapour through evaporation from a plant's surface
why do plants close their stomata at night? no gasexchange or photosynthesis takes place so water needs to be conserved. closing stomata minimisestranspiration
list factors which affect the rate of transpiration lightintensitytemperaturewindhumidity
what are xerophytes? plants adapted to living in regions where water is scarce
list adaptations of xerophytes (there are six!) waxyepidermis layer sunkenstomatahairs on epidermisspinesrolledleavesclosureofstomata in certain conditions
what are hydrophytes? plants which live on water
why do hydrophytes need adaptations? oxygen does not dissolve well in water so hydrophytes need adaptations to cope with lowoxygenlevels
list adaptations of hydrophytes (there are three!) stomata on the uppersurface of floating leaves, air spaces, flexibleleaves + stems
what is translocation? movement of dissolved substances from sources to sinks
when is translocation impaired? if respiration is reduced or inhibited as translocation is an active process
when sucrose reaches a sink it is converted into starch for carbohydrate storage this maintains a concentration gradient between the source and sink so that more sucrose moves into the source
the mass flow hypothesis: 1) sucrose moves from companion cells into the sieve tube elements by active transport 2) this reduces the water potential of the sieve tube element 3) water then moves into the phloem by osmosis which increases the hydrostatic pressure 4) a pressure gradient is formed with high hydrostatic pressure near the source cell and lower hydrostatic pressure near sink cell 5) solutes move down the pressure gradient towards the sink end of the phloem 6) solutes move into the sink cells and are converted into other molecules 7) removing solutes increases water potental at the sink end causing water to move out of the phloem by osmosis 8) this maintains the hydrostatic pressure between the source and the sink
active loading: 1) the companion cell actively transports H+ ions to the surrounding cells 2) this creates a H+ ion gradient between the surrounding cell and companion cell 3) H+ ions move back into the companion cell down their concentration gradient through a co-transporter protein 4) whenever a H+ ion moves through the co-transporter a sucrose molecule is also transported into the companion cell against its concentration gradient 5) the same process occurs to transport sucrose from the companion cell into the sieve tube element