PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER: A psychological dysfunction within an individual associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response that is not typically expected or culturally expected.
A breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning.
Distress can take the form of psychological or physical pain, or both concurrently. Simply put, it refers to suffering.
Impairment refers to when the person experiences a disabling condition “in social, occupational, or other important activities”
Behavior that it deviates from the average or violating social norms.
The scientific study of psychological disorders.
Chronic Course: Tend to last a long time, sometimes a lifetime.
Episodic Course: The individual is likely to recover within a few months only to suffer a recurrence of the disorder at
a later time.
Time-Limited Course
The disorder will improve without treatment in a relatively short period with little or no risk of
Prevalence: how many people in the population as a whole have the disorder.
Incidence: How many new cases occur during a given period.
Acute Onset: Begin suddenly.
Insidious Onset: Develop gradually over an extended period.
Etiology: The study of origins and has to do with why a disorder begins (what causes it) and includes biological,