
Subdecks (8)

Cards (146)

  • who described how a changing electric field produces a magnetic field and showed that a changing magnetic field creates an eletric field
    james maxwell
  • also known as electromagnetic radiation
    electromagnetic energy
  • who generated and detected em waves
    heinrich hertz 1887
  • em waves are classified as
    transverse waves
  • electromagnetic waves are perpendicular (at right angles) to one another and to the direction of propagation
  • which represents the family of em waves
    electromagnetic spectrum
  • what speed does the em waves travel
    3x108m/s3x10^8 m/s
  • temporary disturbance that transfer energy from 1 place to another
    electromagnetic waves
  • doesn't require a medium to travel
    em waves
  • requires a medium to travel
    mechanical waves
  • em waves are arranged according to
    frequency and wavelength
  • low frequency wavelengths have longer wavelengths
  • high frequency have shorter wavelengths
  • inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength
  • equation of speed
    c = f/m
  • equation of frequency
    f = c/m
  • equation of wavelength
    m = c/f
  • energy that em waves carry

  • em waves are also called as
    electromagnetic radiation
  • the higher the frequency the more energy
  • number of waves passing a point in a certain time
  • distance between 2 crests or troughs
  • height of wave
  • highest point in a wave

  • lowest point in a wave
  • location & velocity of storms, clouds and decripitation
    doppler radar
  • change in observed frequency of a wave
    doppler effect
  • echoes from ocean & ice surfaces
    radar altimeter
  • earth to satellite
  • satellite to earth

  • measure speed of a vehicle 

    radar speedgun