Greater disclosure between individuals leads to a greater sense of intimacy and development of romantic feeling
Happens when sufficient trust has been built and states we tend to reveal intimate details to people we like to let them learn about our inner self
This involves the reciprocal exchange of information between partners
Breadth and Depth of Self Disclosure
Breadth and depth increases as commitment increases
People disclose lots of information at the start but it is mostly superficial and lowrisk information
The breadth of topics we discuss is small at this point as many topics are “off-limits” in the early stages of a relationship
Revealing too much at this point could threaten the relationship as the other person feels put off before the relationship has started
Moderate levels of self-disclosure in the early stages are seen as most effective
Reciprocity of Self Disclosure
As well and breadth and depth there needs to be a reciprocal element to disclosure
Once you disclosed something hopefully your partner will respond with their own intimate feelings
Self Disclosure AO3: Research Support
Have been supported with researchers finding strong correlations between several measures of satisfaction and self-disclosure within heterosexual relationships
Men and women who self disclose believe their partners did the same and rated themselves as more satisfied and committed to the relationship
The reverse is also true with less intimate couples self disclosing less often
Suggests selfdisclosure is important and has validity
Self Disclosure AO3: Cultural Differences
Have limited validity to only heterosexual couples or western society as self disclosure leading to a more intimate relationship is not true across all cultures
Sexualselfdisclosure was more open in westerncultures than it was in collectivistcultures such as China
Japanese women preferred a lower level of conversation than Japanese men which is the opposite of self disclosure patterns in western society
Self Disclosure as an aspect of attraction is impacted by culture
Self DisclosureA03: Real World Application
Research into self disclosure can help people who want to improve communication in their relationship
Self disclosure can improve intimacy and strengthen bonds
57% of homosexual men and women said selfdisclosuredeepened their relationship
This can help improve relationships such as couplestherapy to saverelationships to increase satisfaction
Self DisclosureAO3: Correlational Issues
Self Disclosure research is correlational
It is assumed that greater self disclosure creates more satisfaction
However a correlation cannot tell us this as correlationdoesnotmeancausation