Localisation of function

Cards (18)

  • What does localization of function refer to?
    Specific functions are located in specific brain areas
  • What is Broca's area responsible for?
    Production of speech
  • Where is Broca's area located?
    Frontal lobe
  • What does the motor cortex control?
    Voluntary movement
  • Where is the visual cortex located?
    Occipital lobe
  • What is the function of the visual cortex?
    Processes information from our eyes
  • What does the somatosensory cortex process?
    Sensory information about touch, pain, temperature
  • Where is the auditory cortex located?
    Temporal lobe
  • What does the auditory cortex process?
    Information from our ears
  • What is Wernicke's area responsible for?
    Understanding of language
  • Where is Wernicke's area located?
    Temporal lobe
  • What is the focus of Broca's research?
    Patients with speech deficits
  • What type of aphasia is associated with Broca's patients?
    Broca's aphasia
  • What did Wernicke study in his research?
    Patients who could speak but not understand
  • What type of aphasia is associated with Wernicke's patients?
    Wernicke's aphasia
  • What area of the brain did Broca find was damaged in his patients?
    Left frontal lobe
  • What area of the brain did Wernicke find was damaged in his patients?
    Temporal lobe
  • What are the key findings of Broca's and Wernicke's studies on language localization?
    • Broca's study: Damage in left frontal lobe leads to Broca's aphasia (speech deficits).
    • Wernicke's study: Damage in temporal lobe leads to Wernicke's aphasia (understanding deficits).