Cards (12)

  • launched in 1948 by gov
  • free - paid for by National Insurance contribution
  • to start - not changed much - Britain had no money
  • more hospitals in London then rest of England
  • GP surgeries not up to date - 25% = unsatisfactory in 1950
  • waiting times were long
  • 1960's - more hospitals built
  • 1966 GP's were up to date
  • 1970's - Hi-tech treatments + surgery improved
    • radiotherapy - cancer
    • dialysis - kidney failure
    • prostatic limbs - for loss of limbs being replaces
    • microsurgery - small things
    • robotic surgery
  • changes - treatments - :)

    1% of death = infection (1900 = 17%)
    variety of specific effective medicine (1900 = herbal remidies)
  • changes - treatment - :(

    new diseases keep appearing - scientists hope to find cures
    no cures for lifestyle diseases
    microbes have evolved to beat some earlier cures
  • changes - care - :)

    1948 - NHS = free - this gave everyone access to medical care (1900 = most people cared for at home by women, doctors had to be paid for)
    hospitals were not used to take care of elderly (1900 - hospitals looked after elderly)