Education - sociology

Cards (18)

  • Durkheim (functionalist):
    • Used to build social solidarity (all members being socialised into the same norm and values.)
    • Our secondary education
    • Ensures this social solidarity isn't lost
  • Functionalists argue that schools are meritocratic, meaning they reward those who work hardest with qualifications which lead to better jobs and higher pay.
  • Evalutation of Durkheim -
    • Marxists - question where this shared values come from and how they are instead a way for the RC to spread their ideology.
    • Hargreave - argued that the education system encourages individualism and competition rather than social solidarity and shared values.
  • Educational attainment (how long someone is in education) has increased since the 1940s due to more people staying on in full time education and more women entering the labour market.
  • Parson's:
    • At home children are given certain rules that only apply to a specific child (oldest has to walk the dog e.t.c) and their status is acribed (fixed by birth)
    • At school these standards are inpersonal and universal.
    • Status is also achieved.
    • Prepares us for the wider world
  • Davis and moores -
    Seen as a device for selection and role accocation.
    Inequality is necessary to ensure the most important roles are filled by the most important people.
    Encourages competitiveness which sorts us into our abiliy.
  • Similarities between new right and functionalists:
    • Both believe some people are more naurally talented than others
    • Both favour a meritocratic system which prepares the young for work.
    • Both believe they should socialise pupils into shared values.
  • New right:
    • Don't believe the education system is achieveing these goals
    • Education system doens't listen to their consumers.
    Chubb -
    • Private schools should have higher quality education becuase they have paying consumers.
    • Believe we should introduce a market into schools as this would force schools to be more responsive to parents wishes
  • What do new right theorists believe is the two roles of the state:
    • State imposes a framework that schools have to listen to (ofsted,league table)
    • Insures a shared culture (guaranteed that pupils are socilised the same.)
  • Evalution of new right:
    • Marxist - Doesn't impose a shared culture but instead imposes the culture of the dominant class and devalues the culture of the WC.
    • The real cause of low educational standards is social inequality and inadequate funding
  • What is a comprehensive school?
    A non - selective school that accepts students in the catchment area
  • How does school prepare students for work
    • Repetitive - prepares students for the alienation of the workplace
    • Encouraging competitiveness and individualism - seen in work through promotions e.t.c
  • What is the difference between the resctricted code and the elaborated code?
    Restricted code - Speech used by the WC. Limited vocabulary and includes short sentences.
    Elaborated code - Speech used by MC. Longer sentences and more complex.
  • Why does these different codes effect education?
    Puts the MC at an advantage in school as it's the language used in textbooks/exams. WC are less likely to feel included and have to struggle to understand it.
  • How does a parent's qualifications contribute to their child's eduaction?
    • Higher qualification = high expectations and more discipline - encouarges learning and exploring. More aware with what is needed to assist a child.
    • low qualifications = harsh discipline (do as your told) - leads to poorer motivation
  • Critisms of cultural deprivation theory
    • Blames victims of their own failure
    • Argued that the WC are different not deprived. They fail because eduaction is dominated by MC values.
  • What are some examples of material depriation?
    • Housing - overcrowding makes it harder to study,disturbed sleep from sharing a room. Damp housing = illness.
    • Diet and health - more likely to eat food bad for the body as it is cheaper,leads to bad imune system and low energy.
    • Finance - children miss out on equipment and experience that enhance achievement. - can result in bulling or failing behind. May need to work to help pay for things so affects school life.
  • What is bourdieu's 3 type of capital?
    1. Cultural - sees MC culture as wealth as it gives an advantage to those who possess it. Can grasp ideas quicker.
    2. Economic - parents with economic capital can send their children to private schools and can pay for tuitons. Plus they can afford a house in the catchement areas.
    3. Social - MC more likely to have connections to people who can give their children opportunities.