Standard of Ur Sumerian 26,000 BCE Wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestone
Great Pyramids (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu) and the Great Sphinx Giza, Egypt. Old Kingdom 4th Dynasty 2,550-2490 BCE Cut limestone
The code of Hammurabi Babylon (modern Iran) Susain 1792-1750 BCE Basalt
Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall Karnark, near Luxor Egypt New Kingdom 18th and 19th Dynasties Temple:1550 BCE; hall: 1250 BCE Cute sandstone and mudbrick
Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Three Daughters New Kingdom (Armana) 18th Dynastry c 1353-1335 BCE Limestone
King Menkaura and QueenOld Kingdom 4th Dynasty c. 2490 - 2472 BCE Greywacke
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut Near Luxor, Egypt New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty c. 1473-1458 BCE Sandstone
Tutankhamun'sTomb, intermost coffin New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty c. 1323 BCE Gold with inlayenamel and semiprecious stones
Last judgement of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb New Kingdom 19th Dynasty c. 1275 BCE Painted papyrus scroll
Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II Dur Sharrukin, (modern Khorsabad, Iraq) Neo-Assyrian c. 702 - 705 BCE Alabaster
AthenianAgoraArchiac through Hellenistic greek 600 BCE-150 CE Plan
Anavysos KourosArchaic Greek 530 BCE Marble with remnants of paint
Peplos Kore from the ArcopolisArchiac Greek c. 530 BCE Marble and painted details
Sacrophagus of the Spouses Etruscan c. 520 BCE Terra Cotta
Audience Hall of Darius and Xerxes Persepolis, Iran Persian c. 250 BCE material: Limestone
Temple of Minerva and Sculpture of Apollo Rome Italy Master sculptor Vulcac. 510-500 BCE materials: wood, mud brick, tufa, terra cotta
Tomb of the Triclinium Tarquinia, Italy Etruscan c. 480 - 470 BCE Tufa and fresco
NiobidesKrater Anonymous vase painter of Classical Greece known as Niobid Painter c. 460-450 BCE Clay, red-figuretechnique (white highlights)
Doryphoros (spear bearer)Polykleitos Original 450 BCE Marble, Original bronze)
Acropolis Athens, Greece by: Iktinos and Kallikrates c. 447 - 424 BCE Marble
Grave Stele of Hegeso Attributed to Kallimachos c. 410 BCE Marble and paint
Winged Victory of SamothraceHellenistic Greek c. 190 BCE Marble and paint
GreatAltar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) Hellenistic Greek c. 175 BCE Marble (architecture and sculpture)
House of Vettii Pompei, Italy Imperial Roman c. second century BCE, rebuilt c. 62-79 CE Cut stone and fresco
Alexander Mosaic House of Faun, Pompeii Republican Roman c. 100 BCE Mosaic
SeatedBoxerHellenistic Greek c. 100 BCE Bronze
Head of a RomanparticianRepublican Roman c. 75 - 50 BCE Marble
Augustus of PrimaPortaImperial Roman Early firstcentury CE Marble
Colosseum (FlavianAmphitheater) Rome, Italy ImperialRoman70-80 CE Stone and concrete
Forum of Trajan Rome, Italy Apollodorus of Damascus106-113 CE Brick, concrete, marble
PantheonImperial Roman 118-125 CE Concrete with stonefacing
LudovisiBattle of Sacrophagus Late Imperial Roman c. 250 CE Marble