hitler’s rise

Cards (11)

  • Why were the nazis’ policies popular?
    • short name stands out in elections
    • message covered: socialist, government run economy; nationalism, justice from WW1; racism, aryan race is superior and has the right to dominate others
  • how did the SA make the party more successful?
    • causes fear in other parties, disrupts meetings
    • makes party look stronger and more powerful than current government
    • created fear that removed any opposition with violence
    • provided security at gatherings
  • how was hitler popular?
    his charisma, skill in public speaking that drew huge crowds
  • hitler’s close supporters:
    • he knew his closest supporters and gave them positions of power, ensuring his own safety
  • munich putsch 1923
    • hitler wanted to take over munich with right wing politicians kahr and lossow
    • they called off the rebellion, but hitler continued alone with nazis and SA
    • November 1923, they burst into Kahr and Lossow‘s meeting at beer hall, forcing them to agree to rebel
    • next day hitler launched rebellion, but Kahr called police and army, hitler fled but later arrested, 16 nazis killed
  • consequences of the Munich Putsch:
    1. hitler’s trial gave him publicity and attention
    2. his imprisonment evoked sympathy, presented him as martyr
    3. book mein kampf - publicity of beliefs
    4. he changed his approach and understood violence had failed, so he needed to get elected into reichstag instead
  • how nazis used SA to ensure growth in support?
    provided protection during meetings and disrupted other parties’ meetings; many fights between SA and communist militia which hitler used to show that he could and would defeat bolshevik threat
  • how hitler used appeal and election methods to ensure growth in support?
    mass rallies, films, radio ensured hitler was a recognised national figure; failed both rounds of 1932 presidential election but successful in reichstag due to goebbels’ tactics (presenting hitler as positive, playing on people’s fears); hitler used planes to speak at 5 cities in one day, which he used as cover of campaign
  • how nazis used financial support to ensure growth in support?
    600,000 copies of nazi economic programme distributed; party received funds from leading industrialists who were scared of trade unions, which reduced influence; they developed close links with national party, who allowed them to publish newspaper articles criticising weimar, keeping nazis at forefront of people’s minds
  • how nazis used propaganda to ensure growth of support?
    • hitler presented as charismatic war hero, saviour, ordinary man
    • jews used as scapegoat and blamed for causing unemployment, conspired in germany’s defeat, were preparing for bolshevik revolution
    • claimed they could restore germany to its former glory
    • attacked weimar government
  • brief story of how hitler became chancellor:
    • july 1932 - nazi party gain 230 seats, more than other parties
    • august 1932 - hitler demands position of chancellor but hindenburg refuses
    • september - papen dissolves reichstag
    • november election - nazis lose seats but papen doesn’t gain majority
    • january 1933 - papen agreed hitler would lead a nazi-nationalist government with him as vice-chancellor
    • 30th january 1933 - hitler becomes chancellor by legal and democratic means