Action potential is the movement of Na and K ions across the membrane of a neuron.
Afferent neurons accept signals
Motor neurons send signals
Efferent neurons send signals from the brain
Interneurons are cells that connect neurons to other neurons and relay messages between the brain and the spinal cord
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.
The peripheral nervous system is everything else
The somatic nervous system is responsible for voluntary movement and receives input from sensory receptors.
The automatic nervous system is responsible for involuntary actions like breathing. It is made up of the sympathetic NS (speedsup) and the parasympathetic NS (slowsdown)
GABA is an inhibitory NT
Glutamate is an excitatory NT
Acetylcholine helps memory
Oxytocin is the love hormone
Agonists mimic NT
Antagonists blockNT
Endocrine system sends hormones throughout the body
The pituitary gland is controlled by the hypothalamus
EEGs scan the brain
CT/MRIs show brain structure
PET scans use glucose to show brain activity
FMRI oxygen shows blood flow in the brain and is used to show brain activity