event association, recognizing obj as familiar, recalling facts/procedures, generalization between instances, encoding (representing specific info re: obj and events in memory)
Processing speed: of executing basic processes
Increased by biological maturation (myelination & increased connectivity among brain regions) and experience
Memory system components
Sensory memory: moderate amt of just-acquired info for a fraction of a second
Working memory: workspace, actively attending to info
Long-term memory: no upper bound, increases a ton over development
relevant to info processing theory
Mental strats
info processing
rehearsal - repeating info to aid memory
Selective attention: focusing on goal-relevant info
task analysis
technique of specifying the goals, obstacles to their realization, and potential solution strategies involved in problem solving
Overlapping waves theory
using progressively more complicated prob-solving strategies as they age
the frequency of each strategy used changes and overlaps
planning ability development.
self: age 3-4
concrete/observable characteristics
here and now
Increased engagement in social comparison in primary school → refining self view
Unrealistically positive
Self-view coincides w first memories
Middle - lateprimary school
Integrated & more broadly encompassing of self
Objective performance reliance (older)
Relations: peer groups and others opinions = increasingly impactful on self
Early adolescence
personal fable: (form of egocentrism, “no one can understand me except me, so what do they think about me ??”
^imaginary audience - belief that everyone is focused on your appearance/behaviour
Middle teens
Begin agonizing over contradictions in behaviour and characteristics (and others)
Most lack the cognitive skills needed to integrate their recognition of these contradictions into a coherent conception of self