Gender dysphoria = the symptom of confusion/anxiety/depression that is felt due to feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with their own. It can include a desire to change primary or secondary sex characteristics.
GID = Gender Identity Disorder
Biological Explanation: Genetics
Heylens et al (2012) compared 23 MZ twins with 21 DZ twins where one of each pair was diagnosed with GID.
9 (39%) of the MZ twins were concordant for GID compared to none of the DZs.
This would indicate a role for genetic factors in the development of gender dysphoria.
Biological Explanation: Brain Sex Theory
Based on the idea that some parts of the brain are sexually dimorphic – different in males & females.
BSTc = fully developed by five years and influences sexual behaviour. (Larger in males than females)
Research Support for Brain Sex Theory
Zhou et al (1995) and Kruijver et al (2000)
Found that the number of neurons in the BSTc of MtF transsexuals showed a similar pattern to that in heterosexual women.
The neurons in a female-male transsexual was in the same range as for heterosexual males.
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis central subdivision = (BSTc)
Social Explanation: Psychoanalytic Theory
Extreme separation anxiety before gender identity established.
Fantasies of a symbiotic fusion with mother to reduce anxiety.
Boy becomes the mother so adopts a woman’s gender identity.
Research Support for Psychoanalytic Theory
Stoller (1975)
In interviews, GD biological males displayed overly close mother-son relationships.
Propose that this would lead to greater female identification and confused gender identity in the long-term.
Social Explanation: Social Constructionism
Gender identity is an invention (construction) of a society.
GD arises because society forces a binary choice on people and behave accordingly.
GD is not a pathological condition but a social one.
Research Support for Social Constructionism
McClintock (2015)
Showed that the Sambia people of New Guinea recognise three genders – females, males and kwolu-aatmwol (females-then-males).
Changed since the culture had contact with the West & kwolu-aatmwol are now judged as having a pathological form of gender dysphoria.