
    Cards (16)

    • what is a correlational study
      a method to investigate if there is a relationship between two continuous variables
    • what types of variables are present in a correlation study
      co-variables (NOT DV AND IV)
    • what two things can a correlation tell us
      the direction of the relationship and the degree of the relationship between two variables
    • what is positive correlation
      when co-variables increase so does the other and has a correlation coefficient > 0 and < 1 - a positive value
    • what is negative correlation
      as one co-variable increases the other decreases and has a correlation coefficient <0 and > 1 - a negative value
    • what is zero correlation
      when there is no relationship between two variables and has a correlation coefficient of 0
    • what is meant by the degree of the relationship
      an indication of how strongly two co-variables are related- the closer the correlation to 0 the weaker the correlation
    • what is included in a scattergram
      include a title
      label each axis and include units
      the axes need to go up by a standard amount
      plot each points with a cross
      each cross represents one P
    • what are the hypotheses for studies using the correlation method
      an alternate correlation hypotheses will predict that there is a relationship between the co-variables (this includes directional and non-directional)
      a null hypothesis will predict that there will be no relationship between the co-variables
    • what are the key differences between experiments and correlation
      variables - IV and DV vs co-variables
      hypotheses- difference vs relationship
      graphs- bar chart/histogram vs scatter graph
      conclusions- cause and effect vs relationship
    • what is a strength of the correlation method
      can be used when it is unethical or not practical to carry out an experiment- sometimes variables can't be manipulated- doing a correlation allows these variables to be examined together to see if there is a pattern-psychology can discipline further as a science as correlations help to further knowledge
    • what is a strength of the correlational method
      collects quantitative data- numerical data is collected and can be plotted on a scatter graph- this type of data is more objective and can be checked by other researchers- statistical analysis can be performed and comparisons can be made between variables
    • what is a strength of the correlational method
      very useful as a pilot study for an investigation- provide and indication of how two variables are related and may suggest ideas for future research- it is good to get a preliminary idea about whether it would be worth investing in studying this area
    • what is a strength of the correlational method
      it can be carried out using pre existing data- there is no need for a controlled environment and no manipulation of variables is needed- it will be quick and economical to carry out a correlational method a secondary data can be used instead
    • what is a drawback of the correlational method
      it cannot show cause and effect- it isn't knows if or which variable is having an effect on the other- this means that correlations only describe they do not explain why a pattern of results are occurring- this a problem for psychology as it defies the standards of a science
    • what is a drawback of the correlational method
      there is a third variable problem-there may be another intervening variable which may be causing the behaviour- this is called an intervening variable and is essentially an extraneous variable- this would reduce the internal validity of the findings