AO1 of all treatments

Cards (8)

  • Outline the two process model
    -people develop phobias by classical conditioning
    -once developed phobias is maintained by operant conditioning (people are anxious of phobic stimuli and avoid it. this prevents as anxiety which acts as negative reinforcement)
  • Outline systematic desensitisation (SD)

    -Relies on cc to break the association between the phobic stimuli and fear
    -designed to gradually reduce phobic anxiety by replacing the fear association individuals have of their phobic stimuli with relaxation
    -this is called counterconditioning
  • outline the first step in SD
    -building a hierarchy of anxiety arousing stimuli including the degree of fear experienced from 5 to 100
  • what is step 2
    -train the client in relaxation techniques
  • what is step 3
    -client works through hierarchy while using relaxation techniques
    -since person cannot experience relaxation and anxiety at the same time relaxation prevents fear
    -known as reciprocal inhibition
  • what is step 4
    -whole process is repeated until they are calm and can confront most feared event in hierachy
  • outline flooding
    -involves rapid and immediate exposure to phobic stimuli and very frightening situation
  • what can a patient not do in flooding
    -make their usual avoidance response and anxiety peaks at such a level that cannot be maintained and eventually anxiety subsides.
    -this leads to extinction