media theories

Cards (12)

  • uses and gratification
    • suggests an audience is active and derives pleasure from media products
    • PIES - personal identity, information, entertainment / escapism, social interaction
  • hypodermic syringe
    • assumes audiences are passive and act collectively
    • suggests media can 'inject' values and beliefs into an audience
  • two step flow
    1. opinion leaders get info from a source
    2. they pass down their interpretation to others ( the influenced )
    • opinion leaders pay close attention to media and their messages, usually more informed
  • star theory by richard dryer
    • people are more likely to watch a piece of media if it has a recognizable star / name
  • pic n mix theory - david gauntlett
    • audiences dont entirely engage with media products
    • instead they only look at individual elements they like / appeals to them
  • reception theory - stuart hall
    theres 3 possible responses an audience may have to each media product
    1. preferred reading - accept message
    2. negotiated reading - partially reject/accept message
    3. oppositional reading - reject message
  • cultivation theory - george gerbner
    • the more an audience sees a particular representation of a group the more the audience will believe its true
    • our beliefs are cultivated over time
  • PROPPs - vladmir
    8 basic character types
    1. hero
    2. villain
    3. princess
    4. king
    5. donor
    6. dispatcher
    7. helper
    8. false hero
  • narrative structure theory - torodov
    all narratives follow
    1. equilibrium
    2. disruption
    3. recognition of disruption
    4. resolution
    5. new equilibrium
  • male gaze theory - mulvey
    • women are passive, men are active
    • media is mainly made from the viewpoint of heterosexual men
  • theory of MVs - andrew goodwins
    argues theres 6 different elements to MVs
    1. rs between lyrics + visuals
    2. rs between music + visuals
    3. notion of looking
    4. displays genre characteristics
    5. close up shots of artists
    6. intertextual references
  • intertextuality - different texts from media are related / influenced by eachother