Cards (93)

  • Linguistic Acquisition Theory is a theory proposed by Chomsky.
  • Theory of multiple intelligence - Howard Gardner
  • Moral Development Theory - Lawrence Kohlberg
  • Psychosocial Development Theory - Erik Erikson
  • Creative Problem Solving - Edward Paul Torrance
  • Triathlon theory intelligence - Robert Sternberg
  • Gender Schema Theory - Sandra Bem
  • Ecological theory - Urie Brofenbrenner
  • Transfer of Learning, Kindergarten Preparation of Children - Maria Montessori
  • Social Domain Theory - Elliot Turiel
  • Problem solving by insight, insightful learning - Kohler
  • Wilhelm Wundt is known as the Father of modern psychology.
  • Sigmund Freud is known as the Father of Psychoanalysis and Psychosexual theory.
  • Johann Heinrich is known for his work in Classical Conditioning.
  • Ivan Pavlov is known for his work in Operant conditioning.
  • Burrhus F. Skinner is known for his work in Meaningful learning.
  • David Ausubel is known for his work in Discovery learning and spiral curriculum.
  • Jerome Bruner is known for his work in Social cognitive learning theory.
  • Albert Bandura is known for his work in the Law of readiness and exercises.
  • Edward Lee Thorndike is known for his work in Life Space Content.
  • Kurt Levin is known for his work in Social learning theory.
  • Linguistic Acquisition Theory is a theory proposed by Chomsky.
  • Wilhelm Wundt is known as the Father of modern psychology.
  • Johann Heinrich is known for his work in Classical Conditioning.
  • Ivan Pavlov is known for his work in Operant conditioning.
  • Burrhus F. Skinner is known for his work in Meaningful learning.
  • David Ausubel is known for his work in Discovery learning and spiral curriculum.
  • Jerome Bruner is known for his work in Social cognitive learning theory.
  • Albert Bandura is known for his work in the Law of readiness and exercises.
  • Edward Lee Thorndike is known for his work in Life Space Content.
  • Kurt Levin is known for his work in Social learning theory.
  • Wilhelm Wundt is considered the Father of Modern Psychology.
  • Sigmund Freud is known as the Father of Psychoanalysis and Psychosexual theory.
  • Johann Heinrich is associated with Classical Conditioning.
  • Ivan Pavlov is known for Operant conditioning.
  • Burrhus F. Skinner is associated with Meaningful learning.
  • David Ausubel is known for Discovery learning and spiral curriculum.
  • Jerome Bruner is associated with Social cognitive learning theory.
  • Albert Bandura is known for the Law of readiness and exercises.
  • Edward Lee Thorndike is associated with Life Space Content.