Nature v Nurture

Cards (21)

  • Interactionist
    The view that the process of nature and nurture work together rather than in opposition
  • Nativist
    Extreme nature
  • Empiricist
    Extreme nurture
  • Relative contribution
    How much each (nature and nurture) influence us, not which one - more modern approach
  • Heritability coefficient
    Number between 0 and 1 that represents the extent to which a trait is inherited (1 being completely genetic)
  • Nature debate
    • innate
    • abilities/personality are determined by genes
  • Genetic explanations
    • twin adoption studies show that closer genetics are more likely to display the same behaviour
    • there are also genetic explanatios for schizophrenia and criminal behaviour
  • Evolutionary explanations
    Behaviour/characteristics that promote survival and reproduction will be naturally selected
  • Evolutionary explanations
    • Evolutionary theory of attachment (Bowlby) - attachment is adapted for survival and is naturally selected through genetics
  • Nature political implications
    Nazi party (eugenics/selective breeding)
  • Nurture explanation
    • abilities/personality are determined through experience and environmental factors
  • Behaviourism
    Behaviour is determined by experience alone and acquired through conditioning
  • Behaviourism examples
    • Skinner and Pavlov’s research into explanations for attachment 
    • Phobia explanations 
  • Social learning theory
    Behaviour is acquired through learning and vicarious reinforcement, but a person's biology may have an impact
  • Social learning theory example
    • Bandura's doll study
  • Richard Lerner - attempted to break down levels of influence from the environment (e.g. social conditions of childhood, historical/cultural context)
  • Epigenetics
    Changes in our genetic expression without changing the underlying genetic code
  • Epigenetics
    • Dias and Ressler – study with shocking mice, found generations of influence.
    This complicates the picture as it shows genes influence behaviour, but experience can influence genes. 
  • -       Alternative explanations
    A limitation for the two separate concepts is that they don’t address that they are both key contributing factors to behaviour and that interactionism may be a real explanation. The Diathesis-stress model is an example of an interactionist approach where it takes an environmental event to trigger a genetic vulnerability.
  • +   There is supporting evidence for the complex relationship between nature and nurture. Scarr and McCartney proposed a theory of gene-environment interaction:
    Indirect- parents genes influence how they treat their children.
    Passive influence- the child’s genes influence the experience they have or can access.
    Active influence- the child creates its own environment by actively choosing experiences and people.
  • +   Supporting evidence for the close relationship between nature and nurture (epigenetics)
    Epigenetic material is inherited, and passed on through generations – explaining why cloning doesn’t produce identical copies.
    --> genetics and the environment are much less separate than once thought