Cards (18)

  • A genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
  • A phenotype is the physical expression of a gene and its interaction with the environment
  • an allele is a different version of a gene that codes for a different amino acid
  • alleles can be dominant (D), recessive (r) or codominant
  • monohybrid inheritance is from one allele
  • location on a chromosome is the locus
  • human cells are diploid, meaning they have 2 copies of each chromosome
  • reasons expected ≠ observed
    1. random fertilisation
    2. small population sample
    3. codominance
    4. sex linkage
    5. epistasis
  • reasons meiosis produces genetic variation in gametes
    1. chromatids crossing
    2. independent assortment of chromosomes
  • dihybrid inheritance is from 2 different genes/alleles
  • more than 2 alleles can lead to multiple allele crosses
  • homozygous is 2 of the same alleles
  • heterozygous is 2 different alleles
  • if X linked genetic disease gene is inherited:
    XX: carriers or affected
    XY: affected
  • autosomal genes are on non sex chromosomes
  • epistasis is when one allele masks or suppresses the expression of another allele
  • if the calculated chi squared value is less than the critical value, the null hypothesis is accepted
  • Ratio of heterozygous pairs in dihybrid crosses is 9:3:3:1