political participation in the uk

Cards (26)

  • what are arguments for prisoners having the right to vote?
    • removal of the vote makes the prisoner a non-person
    • voting is part of civic responsibility and removing that makes rehabilitation harder
    • no evidence that taking the vote away acts as a deterrent from crime
    • the ECHR has ruled against a blanket ban
  • what are arguments against prisoners having the vote?
    • losing the vote serves as a punishment and deterrent against law breaking
    • undermines parliamentary sovereignty
    • public opinion is strongly against such a change
    • those who commit crimes against the society should lose the right to have a say in how it is run
  • what is ‘slacktivism‘
    coined to describe superficial levels of political activism and participation
  • what are arguments for the vote for 16 year olds?
    • some 16 year olds are more politically informed than they used to be
    • some 16 year olds pay tax
    • 16/17 year olds are old enough to pay tax, drive, have sex and join the military but cannot vote
  • what are arguments against 16 year olds having the vote?
    • the younger a person is the less their ability to make informed decisions
    • lack of life experience
    • even with political education views can be tainted by teachers
  • what are factors affecting voter turnout?
    • age
    • gender
    • religion
    • constituency
    • race
  • how can we increase participation?
    • votes at 16
    • online voting
    • compulsory voting
    • electoral reform to make everyone’s votes count
    • adopting a proportional representation system
  • what are the aims of the Howard league?
    to give prisoners the vote
  • what age group has the highest turnout?
  • What is partisan dealignment?
    The decreasing of loyalty to a specific political party
  • Has partisan dealignment increased or decreased in the UK? 
  • Give 2 reasons agreeing with the statement “There is a participation crisis in the UK”.
    Lower voter turnout, party membership has been steadily declining 
  • Give 2 reasons disagreeing with the statement “There is a participation crisis in the UK”.
    Methods of participation has shifted to more modern forms such as social media, pressure groups membership has been greatly increasing
  • what is voting behaviour?
    looking into how and why people tend to vote a certain way
  • what party are young people more likely to vote for?
  • in the brexit referendum how did certain ages vote?
    Younger people tended to vote Remain, while older people tended to vote Leave.
  • what is class dealignment?
    people do not adhere to the normal voting behaviour of their social class anymore
  • why is class dealignment happening?
    • traditional working class has declined -> few workers are employed in heavy industry
  • give a further reason as to why class dealignment is happening?
    • middle classes have expanded as the role of government has increased - > more employed in modestly paid jobs
  • give a further reason as to why class dealignment is happening?
    • working class voters from Scotland moved to SNP
  • give a further reason as to why class dealignment is happening

    • voters who vote along class lines who were labour have been taken by UKIP
  • in 2019, which party were voters who had a degree more likely to vote for?
  • in the 2016 EU referendum, how did education affect votes?
    just 31% of those with low educational attainment voted 'remain' whilst 69% of those with high educational attainment voted 'remain'
  • why is gender a factor affecting how people vote?
    men and women have different priorities - women are more likely to vote for parties that defend and promote strong public services
  • how does ethnicity affect voting behaviour?
    ethnic minorities are significantly more likely to vote for labour
  • how does geography affect voting behaviour?
    • rural -> Conservative
    • urban -> Labour