Poem 4D: Echo & Narcissus

Cards (41)

  • sole tepente solent, sic attenuatus amore
    in the warming sun, so he, made thin by love
  • liquitur et tecto paulatim carpitur igni
    is wasting away and weakened gradually by the hidden fire
  • et neque iam color est mixto candore rubori
    and no longer is there a glow of redness mixed with radiance
  • nec vigor et vires et quae modo visa placebant
    nor vigour and strength and those things which recently seen were pleasing
  • nec corpus remanet quondam quod amaverat echo
    nor does the body remain, which echo had once loved
  • quae tamen ut vidit, quamvis irata memorque
    when she saw this, although angry and remembering
  • indoluit, quotiensque puer miserabilis “eheu”
    she was grieved and as often as the poor boy said “alas”
  • dixerat, haec resonis iterabat vocibus “eheu”
    she with her echoing voice said again “alas”
  • cumque suos manibus percusserat ille lacertos
    and when he struck his arms with his hands
  • haec quoque reddebat sonitum plangoris eundem
    she also gave back the same sound of grief
  • ultima vox solitam fuit haec spectantis in undam:
    The last voice of the boy looking into the familiar waters was this:
  • ‘heu frustra dilecte puer!’ totidemque remisit
    ‘alas, boy loved in vain?’ And the same number of words
  • verba locus, dictoque vale ‘vale’ inquit et Echo
    the place sent back, and when he said goodbye, ‘goodbye’ Echo said as well
  • ille caput viridi fessum submisit in herba,
    he lay down his weary head in the green grass,
  • lumina mors clausit domini mirantia fornam
    death closed his eyes as they were admiring their owners beauty
  • tum quoque se, postquam est inferna sede receptus,
    then also, after he was welcomed into the infernal abode,
  • in Stygia spectabat aqua. planxere sorores
    was he looking at himself in the river of the Styx. His sisters wailed,
  • Naides et sectos fratri posuere capillos
    the Naiads, and they offered up their cut hair to their brother,
  • planxerunt Dryades; plangentibus assonat Echo.
    The Dryads wailed; Echo resounds with their wailing
  • iamque rogum quassasque faces feretrumque parabant:
    and now they were preparing the pyre and the quavering torches and the bier:
  • nusquam corpus erat; croceum pro corpore florem
    nowhere was there a body; in place of his body they found a yellow flower
  • inveniunt foliis medium cingentibus albis.
    with white pearls surrounding the middle
  • ”sole … solent”
  • “liquitur”
  • “tecto … igni”
    hidden fire imagery
  • “color … mixto candore rubori”
  • “nec vigor et vires et quae”
  • “quod amaverat Echo”
    Emphatic placement
  • “puer miserabilis”
    highlights his youth
  • “indoluit“
  • “eheu … anaphora”
    anaphora & emphatic positioning
  • ”ultima vox”
    foreshadowing & emphatic positioning
  • “remisit … submisit”
    word choice with mitto verbs
  • “dictoque vale, vale inquit”
  • “lumina mors”
    juxtaposition & emphatic placement
  • “Stygia spectabat aqua”
    enclosing word order
  • “sectos … capillos”
    choice of vocab
  • “planxerunt … plangentibus”
  • “nusquam corpus erat”
    Short sentence/clause
  • “inveniunt”
    verb promotion