Social pysch of Agg > SLT

Cards (6)

  • What is the SLT in agg
    Bandura acknowledged agg could be learnt through conditioning E.G if child gets away with bad behaviour thats their reward and they will repeat. Could be learnt indirectly (vicarious reinforcement)
  • Cog conditions for agg: mediational factors in SLT
    Attention > to behaviour
    Retention > remember behaviour
    Motor reproduction > do the behaviour
    Motivation > want to repeat behaviour
  • Self efficacy in SLT for agg
    Reflects individuals self confidence in own skills > perceived ability. If person successfully aggressive prior they are more likely to repeat in future
  • Strength of SLT in agg
    Research support: bobo doll study > children imitated agg behaviour modelled by adults and there was little agg in control group. Shows we learn aggression
  • Strength of SLT in agg
    Application to real life: can reduce aggression if understand why anti social behaviour occours, choose to spend time with positive role models. Governments can invest in youth centres to promote pro social behaviours, children will imitate and be rewarded for pro social behaviour
  • Strength of SLT in agg
    Research support = analyse behaviour of boys aged 9-12, aggressive boys found to make friends with other aggressive boys > brewing future anti social behaviour