> In the 1530s, Henry VIII, Elizabeth’s father- broke from the Catholic Church. He began to change the religion of England from Catholic to Protestant, but kept many Catholic practices e.g., transubstantiation.
Why was there a problem of religion in England?
> After Henry VIII died, Edward- Elizabeth’s half brother- became king. He was strongly Protestant and his religious policy made England even more Protestant than Henry ever did.
Why was there a problem of religion in England?
> After Edward died, Mary- Elizabeth’s half sister- became queen. Unlike Edward, she was strongly Catholic and quickly undid all the changes Edward and Henry introduced and fiercely reintroduced Catholicism.
What did Elizabeth do?
> In 1559, Elizabeth created the religious settlement to try and solve the divisions. It became known as the ‘Middle Way’ as she attempted to please both Catholics and Protestants.
What did Elizabeth do?
> Act of Supremacy, 1559: Declared the monarch the ‘Supreme Governor of the Church
What did Elizabeth do?
> Act of Uniformity, 1559: Church attendance on Sundays and holy days was made compulsory, a fine was to be collected if people did not attend
What did Elizabeth do?
> Royal Injunction: Churches were allowed be decorated
What did Elizabeth do?
> Royal Injunction: Every Church must have a copy of the Bible in English