Humanistic approach

Cards (18)

  • Explain how much free will the humanistic approach has?
    The humanistic approach is the only one free of determinism - meaning that all humans can determine their own destinies. This does not mean that we are unaffected by circumstance, but we are active agents who can change the paths of our own lives.
  • Explain subjective and generalizability in the humanistic approach?
    Humanistic approach is intentionally subjective. Rogers and Maslow reject scientific approach to explain human behavior. This is because they believe every person is unique - it is a person centered approach
  • What 1s the self-actualisation hierarchy?
    Every person has an innate tendancy for self-acctualisation to achieve their full potential. According to maslows hierarchy of needs, this can only be achieved is basic needs are met first.
  • What are the 5 stages of the hierarchy of needs?
    physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualisation
  • What are the physiological needs within the hierarchy?
    The ability to breath, access to food, water, shelter and sex.
  • What is included in the safety section of the hierarchy of needs?
    Security of: body, employment, resources, morality family, health and property
  • What is included in the love/belonging section of the hierarchy of needs?

    Friendship, family and sexual intimacy
  • What is included in the esteem section of the hierarchy of needs?
    Self-esteem, confidence achievement, respect of others, respect by others.
  • What is included in the self actualisation section of the hieracay of needs?
    Morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving lack of prejudice and acceptance of facts
  • How is the hierarchy fluid?
    Life experiences may cause an individual to move up and down between levels of hierarchy.
  • What does rogers believe to be the key of self-actualsation?
    Uncovering our true self by working towards congruence.
  • What's congruence?

    The person you want to be matches how you currently see yourself. Congruence is the aim of all person centered therapy. Self acctualisation is not possible until incongruence is resolved as it causes low self esteem.
  • What are the conditions of worth?
    Rogers believed that issues we experience as adults could have roots in conditional love. The aim of person centered counseling is to offer consistent unconditional positive regard to all clients.
  • How does the humanistic approach lack determinism?
    Advocates free will and involves no determinism
  • How does the humanistic approach lack reductionism?
    Rejects any attempt to break up behavior and experiences into smaller components. They advocate holism - subject experience can only be explained by a whole person. Which means they consider behavior in context.
  • How does the humanistic approach apply to real life?
    Produced a revolutionary change in therapy. Rogers saw his clients as needing guidance.
  • How is the humanistic approach unscientific?
    Has very little empirical evidence and lots of anecdotal evidence.
  • What is a negative of self-actualisation.?
    How can I know what I am capable of? Everyone has limitations that they can't help. Culturally some individuals are prevented from self-acctualisation, suggesting only applies in the west.