Social influence EQ

Cards (12)

  • Define conformity
    • the process whereby a person changes their behaviours, attitudes and beliefs in order to fir in with others around them as a result of real or perceived pressure
  • Internalisation
    • conforming to a group because you accept their norms
    • you agree privately as well as publicly
    • permanent change
  • identification
    • a person is prepared to change their views to be accepted
  • Compliance
    • going along with a group publically but holding a different view privately
  • Identify two reasons why people have criticised Zimbardo's prison study
    • participants became distress - whether or not this distress should have been anticipated
    • Zimbardo took part himself - his own behaviour affected the events which questions validity
  • Identify three variables affecting conformity in Asch's experiment
    • group size - he varied the number of confederates
    • unanimity - he sometimes arranged for confederates to give a different answer to the majority
    • task difficulty - he made the right answer less obvious by having lines of similar lengths
  • explain ways in which psychologists might address ethical issues in research
    • participants should be given the right to withdraw at the start; throughout the study; withdraw data at the end
    • participants should not be put in uncomfortable/embarrassing situations
    • participants should be fully debriefed at the earliest opportunity
  • Outline what is meant by legitimacy of authority
    • situational explanation for obedience
    • a person recognises their own position and other's position in society
    • legitimacy is increased by visible symbols of authority
    • we learn these behaviours through socialisation and accept that authority has the power to punish us
  • Outline what is meant by the agentic state
    • a person acts on behalf of an authority figure
    • they feel no personal responsibility or guilt for their actions
    • this is the opposite of the autonomous state where people act accordingly to their own principles
    • People usually experience an agentic shift in the presence of authority
  • Outline what is meant by authoritarian personality
    • dispositional explanation for obedience
    • people who are submissive of those perceived to be an authority figure and dismissive of those perceived of being below them in the social hierarchy
    • this is often a result of their upbringing
  • What causes the authoritarian personality
    • harsh upbringing
    • parents may offer conditional love and be cold or strict
    • they have respect for their parents and do not share their discontent with them
    • this causes them to displace feelings of low self esteem onto another target
  • What does an authoritarian personality look like?
    • hold rigid stereotypes
    • submissive to those above them
    • may scape goat and are inflexible