Drug metabolism is the process by which the absorbed compounds stay in the body for a much shorter period of time.
Drugs have a prolonged activity without drug metabolism.
An accumulation of drugs in tissues can occur without drug metabolism.
Drug metabolism in the liver is the major organ for drug metabolism in the body.
The liver is capable of metabolizing some drugs, although this capacity is only occasionally of clinical importance.
Hepatic metabolism can be divided into phase I and phase II.
Lipid-soluble drugs require conversion to a water-soluble form before they can be eliminated by the kidney.
The majority of drug metabolism occurs in the liver but the liver is not the only site.
Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Second Edition, Edited by Dawn Merton Boothe, 2012, Elsevier Saunders.
Various metabolic pathways are involved in drug metabolism.
The bulk of the Phase I biotransformation reactions are performed by a family of enzymes known as CYPs.
Many drugs excreted as glucuronide conjugates in other species are characterized by a prolonged clearance and exaggerated pharmacologic responses.
Aspirin half-life approximates 36 hours in cats compared with 8 hours in dogs.
Metabolism Phase II involves glucuronosyltransferase, sulfotransferase, N-acetyltransferase and methyltransferase.
Glucuronidation is the most common phase II reaction.
Most of the drug is eliminated by glucuronidation and sulfation.
Glucuronide conjugates are eliminated in the urine and bile.
Deficiencies in phase I (hydroxylation) as well as phase II glucuronidation lead to much slower elimination of phenols and aromatic acids and amines in the cat compared with other species.
Deficiencies have long been recognized in cats, with extremely low concentrations of some glucuronosyltransferases.
Phase II, also known as conjugation, occurs when a large water-soluble molecule is chemically added to either the parent drug or its phase I metabolite.
The CYPs are hemoproteins and are found mostly in the liver.
Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) absorb light at 450 nm.
The CYPs are principally located on the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) of the hepatocyte (metabolically active cells) and some are in the small intestine.
Absorption of volatile anesthetics from the pediatric respiratory tract is rapid because minute ventilation is greater.
The rate of absorption after IM administration changes with age as muscle mass and its blood flow increase, making SC administration frequently preferred.
Several pediatric drugs intended for systemic effects are available as rectal suppositories.
Glomerular filtration and renal tubular function progressively increase in puppies, but adult values may not be reached until approximately 2.5 months of age.
Patients in a state of hypothermia are more sensitive to the effects of gas anesthetics.
Isotonic fluids are rapidly absorbed, with up to 70% of RBC cells being absorbed in 48 to 72 hours.
When the oral administration of a drug is undesirable, such as with antiemetics, rectal administration can be used.
Both phase I and II reactions are reduced in puppies.
IP administration can be a lifesaving route of blood and fluid administration.
Absorption from the rectal mucosa is rapid, making rectal administration of drugs or fluids a viable option for pediatric patients when venous catheterization is difficult.
Renal tubular reabsorption in puppies appears to be similar to that in adults as long as body fluids and electrolytes are maintained.
Environmental temperature influences SC absorption, with cold environments likely to reduce SC drug absorption if the neonate is not kept warm.
The overall clearance ( CL total ) can also be estimated by measuring plasma concentrations at intervals following a single intravenous bolus dose (Q mg).
Renal clearance ( Cl renal ) is the volume of plasma containing the amount of drug that is removed from the body by the kidneys in unit time.
Rate of drug elimination is the amount of drug being eliminated per unit time.
During a constant intravenous infusion at rate X mg/h, the plasma concentration increases from zero to a steady-state value (Css); when the infusion is stopped, C declines to zero.
Elimination T½ refers to the disappearance of drug from plasma.