showed families, working class, middle class who wouldn’t want communism
eagle protecting, hitler god-like figure
women with a large aryan family who are healthy and thriving despite worldwide deprivation
greedy jewish puppet master
goebells understood how to target all: middle class - prosperity, no communism; working class - employment, prosperity; women - future with a large family
when von papen agreed to be vice chancellor, he hoped to control and manipulate hitler as he had no experience with power (only corporal in army). they planned to use him during the crisis to help them rule then dispose of him - they underestimated him
reichstag fire february 1933
opportunity for hitler to show his leading skills and assert power in emergency - he is a saviour
dutch communist van der lubbe accused of arson - hitler establishes enemy
event used as propaganda to blame communists and make it seem like country under attack
4000communistsarrested - attempt to eradicate it
freedom of speech suspended; hitler makes emergencydecree giving himself more power
articles from constitutionsuspended, hitler more powerful and popular
march election 1933
hitler calls for election
nazis fail to gain majority, earning 44%, not the increase hitler expected so not yet dictator
goering and SA prevented democracy in election
the enabling law march 1933
the law of terminating the suffering of people and nation
awarded hitler powers
81communists refused admittance while SAintimidated people to vote in support
centrepartysupport was essential as most voted in favour as they were promisedseats
Article 1 transferred power from Reichstag to government (hitler)
he has control over centralpoliticalsystem and strength
gleichschaltung (bringing into line)
18 reich governors (mini hitlers)
all parts of germany under nazis (no disagreements)
trade unions banned
unions were opposition that he removed
replaced by National Labour service and German Labour Front
any opposition sent for re-education
German Labour Front (DAF)
beauty of labour - aim: to improve work conditions
Strength through Joy (KdF) affordable leisure activities, hope for improvement, success over depression
Reich Labour Service
less unemployment - a Nazi promise
teaches military discipline
political opposition:
parties ‘wound up by members’ (gave up)
hitler caused fear, leading to obedience, which he tried to gain loyalty from
hitler needed the legal and judicial system to arrest anyone who opposed him - what hitler says is law. lawyers swear oaths to hitler, not germany, in october 1933
night of the long knives
hitler forced to choose between army and old power, and SA
June 1934, hitler ordered the arrest and execution of SA leaders and Rohm
hitler used support of SS and army
secret police run by frank
could arrest those suspected of political opposition and take them to camps
1943: thousands of gestapo, agents, 100,000 informants