nervous system

Cards (13)

  • What is the definition of a neuron
    building blocks of the nervous system that transmit signals electrically/chemically around the body as a primary means of communication
    • 100 billion neurons in the human nervous system
    • 80% located in brain
    • Only travel in one direction
  • What is the definition of the nervous system?
    network of nerve cells and fibres that helps the body communicate with each other
  • What is the function of the central nervous system
    Controls most of the functions of the body
    Consists of:
    • Brain
    • Spinal cord
  • What is the function of the brain?
    Centre of Consciousness awareness
    Outer layer = cerebral cortex - highly developed in humans to give us higher-order functioning than other humans
    Two hemispheres
    Location of damage to the brain has an impact - loss of function
  • What is the function of the spinal cord?
    Extension of the brain
    Responsible for reflex actions
  • What is the function of the peripheral nervous system?
    Converts sensory information into signals that allow the movement of muscles
    Consists of:
    • Somatic nervous system
    • Automatic nervous system
    -Sympathetic nervous system
    -Parasympathetic nervous system
  • What is the function of the somatic nervous system?
    Associated with voluntary control of the body
    e.g. skeletal muscles
    Helps us to process senses
  • What is the function of the automatic nervous system?
    Regulates involuntary physiological processes
    e.g. heart-rate/blood pressure/respiration/digestion
    Consists of:
    • Sympathetic nervous system
    • Parasympathetic nervous system
  • What is the function of the sympathetic nervous system?
    Role in responding to dangerous/stressful situations
  • What is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system?
    Responsible for recovery from stressful situations
    e.g. resting feeding
    • Brings to body back to HOMEOSTATIS
  • What is the function of the sensory neuron?
    Activated by sensory input/a stimulus from the environment (detects change)
    • Found in eyes/ears/nose/skin
    Carries impulses to the CNS
  • What is the function of a relay/interconnecting neuron?
    Allows sensory and motor neurons to communicate
    • Found in the brain + spinal cord
    • Found between sensory input and motor output/response
  • What is the function of a motor neuron?
    Control muscle movement as connected to an effector
    Releases neurotransmitters that bind to receptors on muscles that trigger movement response
    • Found in CNS