all substances are made of atoms. An atom is the smallestpart of an element that canexist.
how are atoms represented?
atoms of eachelement are represented by a chemical symbol. e.g. Orepresentsanatom of oxygen, NArepresentsanatom of sodium
how many elements are there?
there are about 100elements.elements are shownintheperiodic table
how are compounds formed?
compounds are formed from elements by chemical reactions.
what do chemical reactions involve?
the formation of one or more new substances, and ofteninvolve a detectableenergychange.Compounds can only be separatedintoelements by chemicalreactions
what is a compound?
two or moreelementschemicallybonded
What is a mixture?
two or moreelements or compounds not chemically bonded. The chemicalproperties of each substance in the mixture are unchanged
how can a mixture be seperated?
Filtration, simpledistillation,fractionaldistillation, chromatography, and crystallisation. these physicalprocessesdonotinvolvechemical reactions and no new substances are made.
what were atoms originally described as?
tinyspheres that couldnt be divided
what did the discovery of the electron lead to?
led to the plumpuddingmodel. it suggested the atom is a ball of positivecharge with negativeelectronsembeddedinit
what experiment lead to the nuclear model?
what conclusions did the alpha scattering experiment lead to?
the mass is concentrated in the centre - particlesreflected / deflected
nucleus was charged - particlesreflected / deflected
a lot of empty space - particles went straightthrough
how did Neil Bohr adapt the nuclear model?
suggestedelectronsorbitednucleus at specificdistances
what did later experiments of the development of the atom lead to?
led to the idea that the positive of any nucleus could be subdividedinto a wholenumber of smallerparticles, each particlehaving the sameamount of positivecharge. the name proton was giventotheseparticles
who provided evidence for the existence of the neutrons?
what did James Chadwick provide?
The discovery of theneutronwithinthenucleus. this was20yearsafter the nucleus became an adaptedscientificidea
difference between plum pudding model and nuclear model?
Plum pudding model: Atom is a positivelychargedsphere with negativelychargedelectronsembeddedinit. Nuclear model: Atomhas a small, dense, positivelychargednucleus at the centre, with electronsorbitingaroundit.emptyspacesbetweennucleus and electrons.
what is the relative charge of particles in the atom?
proton -> +1
neutron -> 0
electron -> -1
how to calculate proton and electrons?
number of electrons is equal to number of protons. this makes the overallcharge of anatomneutral.
its the atomicnumber
what is the radius of an atom?
1 x 10 ^ -10 m
what is the radius of the nucleus?
1 x 10 ^-14 m
Where is the most of the mass of an atom?
what is the relative mass of particles in an atom?
proton - 1
neutron - 1
electron - verysmall
what is the mass number?
sum of protons and neutrons
how to calculate neutrons?
massnumber - atomicnumber
where can u find the mass number and atomic number?
massnumber is the topnumber
atomicnumber is the bottomnumber
what do the electrons in an atom occupy?
the lowestavailable energy levels
an example of an electronicstructure?
2, 8, 1
What is the maximum number of electrons in the first shell ?
2. It’s the lowestenergylevel
what is the maximum number of electrons in the other shells?
How are the elements arranged in the periodic table?
atomicnumber so elements with similarproperties are in groups
what do elements in the same group have?
thesamenumberofelectronsintheoutershell and this gives them similarchemicalproperties
what did they arrange the periodic table with before?
they arrangedthem in order of atomicweight. the earlyperiodictables were incomplete and some elements were placed in inappropriategroups if the strictorder of atomicweights were followed.
what did Mendeleev overcome?
mendeleevovercamesome of the problems by leavinggaps for elements that hethought had not been discovered and in someplaceschanged the orderbasedonatomicweights.elements with propertiespredicted by Mendeleev were discovered and filledthegaps.knowledge of isotopesmadeitpossible to explainwhy the order based on atomic weights was notalwayscorrect
the three steps in developing the periodic table?
Classification, organization, and prediction.
how to find if an element is a metal or non metal?
metals are on the left.non-metals on the right.elements that react to formpositiveions are metals.elementsthatdonotformpositiveions are non-metals.majority of elements are metal
what are the group 0 elements called and what are there properties?
Group 0 elements are called noblegases. They have fullouterelectronshells and are thereforestable so donteasilyformmolecules. they all have8electrons on outershellexcepthelium which has2. they are unreactive. The boilingpointincreasegoingdownthegroup.
What are the group 1 elements called and what are there properties?
Alkalimetals. They haveoneelectron on the outer shell. The reactivityincreasesgoingdownthegroup
reaction of lithium with oxygen , water and chlorine?