ASCII, Compression, Sound, Algorithms

Cards (40)

  • Characters are represented using the ASCII code
  • ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  • Seven bits are enough to represent all the characters and symbols on an English keyboard
  • The extended 8-bit ASCII code allows for 128 extra special characters
  • You can’t do arithmetic on ASCII characters representing numbers - they must first be converted to pure binary numbers
  • Unicode provides a unique binary code for every character in every language using 16 bits
  • Compression is the name given to algorithms which reduce file sizes
  • Decompression is the process where compressed data is restored to its original format
  • Compression is heavily used with sound, image, and video files
    • Lossy (JPG, GIF, MP3)
    • Lossless (PNG, TIFF)
  • Compression is often used for files and data that are sent via the internet
  • Lossy compression permanently loses some data
  • Lossy compression results in small mistakes known as ‘digital artifacts’ appearing in images and videos
    • Noise can often be seen where there are contrasting colors
    • Blocks can often result from lossy compression
  • Lossless image compression will not lose any of the data
  • A lossless compression algorithm finds groups of repeating data and records the data once, along with the number of repetitions
  • When data is decompressed it is restored exactly as it was in the original
  • RLE stands for Run Length Encoding
  • RLE uses frequency/ data pairs to encode each run length of the same colored pixel
  • Characteristics of compression:
    • Transmission times are reduced meaning downloads happen faster
    • Data allowances go further
    • Less bandwidth is required
    • Less storage space is required to save files
  • Benefits of compression:
    • Reduces traffic over the internet
    • Images inside web pages appear faster
    • Reduces space on disk/ servers
  • Video or music streaming causes buffering if the download speed is slower than the playback speed
  • sound file size = sample rate * resolution * duration
  • Analogue sound signals are continuous
  • Digital sound signals are discrete
  • Sound is digitized by repeatedly measuring and recording the sound wave, and converting the samples to binary
  • Sounds must be converted into a digital form in order to be stored and processed by a computer
  • An ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter) or DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) is used to process the input or output
  • Recording quality improves:
    • the more frequently we sample the sound
    • the more accurately we record the wave height
  • The sample rate is the number of samples taken per second
  • Increasing sampling rate and resolution means recording more data points
  • Our hearing range is between 20-20,000 Hz, and varies depending on age
  • 1 Hz = 1 sample per second
  • Lossy compression removes the sounds in the frequency ranges that we can’t easily hear or that least affect the perceived playback quality
  • Lossy compression leaves out some data, which can affect quality
  • Lossless compression leaves out repeated data and instead makes a note of how many times it is repeated
  • Sound file formats
    • FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
    • ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
    • MP3
    • AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
    • WAV (Waveform Audio File Format)
    • AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
  • MP4 is a digital multimedia format most commonly used to store video and audio
    • Can also be used to store subtitles and still images
    • Allows different multimedia streams (video, audio, text) to be combined into one file
  • MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface
  • A MIDI file:
    • is not a recording of a live music source
    • is a set of instructions for digital instruments to play synthesized sounds
    • can be used to synchronize an orchestra of digital instruments to play simultaneously
    • uses up to 1,000 times less space than a conventional recording
    • is commonly used for mobile phone ringtones
  • An algorithm is a series of steps to solve a problem or carry out a task.
  • All programs are composed of three basic structures:
    • Sequence.
    • Selection.
    • Iteration (repetition).