this is an action oriented therapeutic approach that stimulates emotional growth by teaching people to replace their self-defeating (irrational) thoughts, feelings and actions with new and more effective ones
The main aim of REBT is to teach clients how to identify irrational beliefs and challenge them through cognitiverestructuring.
the basic theory of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
ellis defines rational thought in the context that all people have fundamental goals, purposes and values, in life, that underlie their attempts to be happy and satisfied
if people choose to stay alive and be happy, then they act rationally, or self-helpfully, when they think, emote and behave in ways to achieve these goals
however, people act irrationally, or self-defeatingly, when they sabotage these goals
the ABC;s of human disturbance
ellis argues that 'emotions' and feelings of 'emotional disturbance' are largely due to our direct thoughts ideas, or constructs
A - activating event
B - beliefs about what happened at A - rational or irrational
C - consequences
core musts
absolutistic evaluations of shoulds, oughts, musts, commands and demands
core musts
important things that happened in the past MUST effect your later life
people who do bad things MUST have soem accountability
I MUST be competent at the things I do
core musts - wiki
I must under all conditions and at all times, performwell
I must win the approval of others
Ellis sees the human child as having innate abilities to think rationally, but also an innate tendency to think irrationally
children are brought up by adults who also have a tendency to think irrationally
this means that individuals are unlikely to have been lucky enough to experience a totally rational upbringing
other irrational beliefs
need for approval "to be happy I must be loved by the persons who are important to me"
Demands about others 'most people who have been unfair to me are generally bad individuals
awfulizing "it is terrible when things to not go the way I would like"
emotions are externally caused "I can not help how i feel when everything is going wrong"
four common irrational beliefs identified by ellis :
Demandingness: The belief that things must be a certain way, and it's a catastrophe if they're not.
Awfulizing: Seeing situations as unbearable or catastrophic rather than inconvenient or challenging.
LowFrustrationTolerance: Believing that one cannot tolerate difficult or uncomfortable situations.
GlobalEvaluation of Self-Worth: Linking one's overall self-worth to specific achievements or failures.
associations with irrational beliefs
high levels of anxiety
high levels of depression
social dysfunction
isolation and withdrawal
anger, guilt and jealousy
relationship problems
problems of dealing with criticism
lack of control over situations
low self-esteem
The core premise of REBT is that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, and by changing our thoughts, we can change our emotional and behavioral responses
homework Assignments:
REBT often includes assignments for individuals to practice and reinforce new rational beliefs in their daily lives.
This might involve keeping a journal of irrational thoughts, disputing those thoughts, and replacing them with rational alternatives.
Rational emotive therapy is designed to help individuals acquire the following six personality traits:
acceptance of uncertainty
self acceptance
positive: Ellis provides very clear description
for ellis, his descriptions focus on systems to uncover the cognitive and belief structures of individuals
provides a clear system for understanding and exploring the structure of an individuals cognition, specifically referencing his ABC model
has applied value - including clinical psychology, business, education and personal growth
evaluation - criticism
focuses heavility on cognition
Overemphasis on Cognitive Aspect:Some critics argue that REBT may place too much emphasis on cognitive aspects, potentially overlooking the role of emotions and interpersonal dynamics in psychological distress.
evaluation - Practical application- REBT therapy (Supporting+)Ellis's approach to cognitive therapy is called rational emotive behaviour therapy or REBT for short. The idea of REBT is that by vigorously arguing with a depressed person the therapist can alter the irrational beliefs that are making them unhappy.There is some evidence to support the idea that REBT can both change negative beliefs and relieve the symptoms of depression (David et al. 2018).This means that REBT has real-world value.
evaluation - adopts an internal locus of control
one of irrational beliefs identified by ellis, is that emotions are externally cause "i can not help how I feel when everything is going wrong'
the REBT approach allows the individuals to work through the problem themselves, and not rely on anything external e.g. antidepressants, increasing self esteem and causing an internal locus of control which has more positive outcomes e.g. hayes et al which found internal LOC is associated with academic success
evaluation - negative
Many cases of depression are not traceable to life events and it is not obvious what leads the person to become depressed at a particular time. This type of depression is sometimes called endogenous depression. This means that Ellis' model can only explain some cases of depression and is therefore only a partial explanation
evaluation: empirical validity
ellis work is the most heavily researched theory in contemporary psychology
The efficacy of REBT has been supported by numerous studies, and its principles have been integrated into various therapeutic modalities.
DiGuiseppi, Doyle and dryden et al
evaluation - parsimony
ellis theory has been described as simplistic due to its relatively few concepts
however, ellis defended his approach by arguing that many groundbreaking ideas appear simple. while the theory seems straightforward, its application is more complex