Performance statistics - Chinese perform the best, gypsy perform the worst.
Reasons for differential achievement in ethnicities - Pakistani and Bangladeshi's are three times more likely to be in the poorest fifth of the population, three times higher for African and Bangladeshi to be unemployed, 15% of ethnic minorities live in overcrowded housing.
Strengths of cultural deprivation in ethnicity - Afro Carribean families have an above average on singleparent families , lots of evidence shows that English is many children's additional language, street gangs offer youngblack children loyalty which replaces the tough love from lack of father nurturing at home.
Weaknesses of cultural deprivation - Suggested that being a member of the Chinese community can aid because of their beliefs towards education, DFE reports show that language barriers disappear as children get older, many Chinese and indian children did not have english as their first language and still perform well.
Evaluation for racism - Afro carribean pupils were punishedgreater for the same behaviour as white pupils, wright found that ethnic minorities were treated differently, asian children are ignored and marginalised, racist setting suggests black children get put in lower sets due to behaviour rather that ability.
Sewell - suggests that some blackboysunderachieve as a response to anti-school subcultures due to racism.
Evidence against racism - studies found that a group of blackgirls channelled their anger at racist labels by pursuing their academic study and rejecting the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Ideal pupil - white, middle class, heterosexual who achieves through ability and initiative.
Demonised pupil - Working class, white or black, underachieving , hypersexual, challenging behaviour, unintelligent and peer lead.
Mac and ghail - suggests children suspect racism when they are treated differently making them marginalised and leading to anti-school subcultures.
Ethnocentric curriculum - education in school is dominated by white culture which ignores andmisrepresents ethnic minorities.
Coard study - West indian children's language is criticised and deemed second rate making them feel inferior, Britain is also viewed as bringing civilisation to third-world countries by colonisation.
Moore and davenport study - shows that non-english speaking individuals in the USA are less likely to get into best schools because of assessment process.
Against cultural deprivation - in the past 30 years educational policy has recognised BME cultures and integrated them into curriculum, in 1960s and 70s school policy focused on the assimilation of ethnic minorities however it is now more diverse.