tends to happen when a majority of people behave or think in a certain way so that other individuals begin to see themselves as 'different' or 'abnormal'
they end up following the norms of their group, even if they may do or say things that they don't really want to do or do not believe in
the pressure to do this is known as majority influence
Crowd and collective behaviour:
collective behaviour describes the actions of a group of people who have come together for a particular reason
crowd behaviour is a more specific example of collective behaviour and often involves unplanned activity
when people come together collectively they may engage in pro-social behaviour
crowds may also engage in pro-social behaviour but in a more spontaneous way
when people come together collectively they may engage in anti-social behaviour
the anti-social behaviour may be something less planned
involves following the orders of an authority figure
the individual behaves in a certain way because they feel there will be severe consequences if they do not do so
pro-social behaviour - actions that work in favour of society
anti-social behaviour - actions that work against society
authority figure - someone who has the right or power to give orders
Situational factors - factors outside of the individual and in their environment which influence how they act