Let exams

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  • Hàm lượng ion H trong một nước là:
  • Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of modern psychology.
  • Sigmund Freud is the father of Psychoanalysis and Psychosexual theory.
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi is known as the father of Education and Pedagogy.
  • Ivan Pavlov is associated with Classical Conditioning.
  • Burrhus F. Skinner is known for Meaningful learning.
  • David Ausubel is associated with Discovery learning and spiral curriculum.
  • Jerome Bruner is known for Social cognitive learning theory.
  • Albert Bandura is associated with the Law of readiness and exercises.
  • Edward Lee Thorndike is associated with Life Space Content.
  • Kurt Levin is known for Problem solving by insight, insightful learning.
  • Authentic assessment is the use of an assessment method that has a purpose in the real situation.
  • Curriculum assessment involves gathering information about what students know and can do through pilot testing, monitoring, accreditation, curriculum evaluation, and curriculum improvement.
  • Criterion in content selection includes validity, continuity, significance, interest, learnability, and utility.
  • Traditional assessment refers to the use of pen and paper in an objective test.
  • The CIPP model by Stufflebeam includes context, input, process, and product.
  • Classroom assessment serves various purposes such as assessment for learning, placement assessment, formative assessment, and diagnostic assessment.
  • Alternative assessment includes performance tests, projects, portfolios, journals, and other methods.
  • The model of curriculum by Ralph Tyler’s includes the purpose of the school, the educational experience related to the purpose, the organization of the experience, and the evaluation of the experience.
  • Kohler is associated with the Ecological theory.
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner is known for Gender Schema Theory.
  • Sandra Bem is associated with the Theory of multiple intelligence.
  • Howard Gardner is known for Social Domain Theory.
  • Elliot Turiel is associated with Moral Development Theory.
  • Lawrence Kohlberg is known for Triathlon theory of intelligence.
  • Robert Sternberg is associated with Psychosocial Development Theory.
  • Ma. Montessori is known for Transfer of Learning and Kindergarten Preparation of Children.
  • Maria Montessori is associated with Creative Problem Solving.
  • Edward Paul Torrance is associated with Linguistic Acquisition Theory.
  • Noam Chomsky is associated with Cognitive Learning Theory.
  • Jean Piaget is associated with Behavioral Theory.
  • Objectives in curriculum design are the bases for the selection of content and learning experience.
  • Reconstructionist design gives attention to political practices of business & government groups and their impact on the economic realities of the workforce.
  • Sequencing in curriculum design is the order in which the content, topics, learning experiences, & organizing threads are presented in the educational plan (units, sub-units, chapters, sub-chapters).
  • Sequencing in curriculum design can be logical, chronological, random, etc.
  • Scope in curriculum design includes all the content, topics, learning experiences, & organizing threads comprising the educational plan (units, sub-units, chapters, sub-chapters).
  • Design elements in curriculum include scope (coverage) and sequencing (sequence).
  • Evaluation approaches in curriculum design are methods and instruments to be used to assess the results of curriculum (quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process and product).
  • Content/subject matter in curriculum design is a compendium of facts, concepts, generalizations, principles & theories.
  • •SEQUENCING (Sequence) ✓ the order in which the content, topics, learning experiences, & organizing threads are presented in the educational plan (units, sub-units, chapters, sub-chapters) ✓ logical, chronological, random, etc.