
Cards (25)

  • The two kingdoms of bacteria are: Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
  • Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes because?
    They lack a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
  • Three types of Archaebacteria: Thermophiles, Methanogens, Halophiles
  • What do Methanogens do?

    Produce methane gas
  • What vitamins do the bacteria in humans intestines make?
    Vitamin K and B12
  • Eubacteria respire aerobically and Archaebacteria can respire anaerobically
  • Most bacteria live in?

    Moist environments
  • Bacteria have a plasmid which is a small loop of DNA
  • The capsule of bacteria is the outer cell wall
  • What are the three shapes of bacteria?
    Cocci, bacilli, spirilli
  • What are the three arrangements of bacteria cells?
    Staphlyo, strepto, diplo
  • Streptococcus refers to what bacterial infection?
    Strep throat
  • Sexual reproduction of bacterium is called conjugation
  • A pilus/pili is used to transfer a the mobile plasmid of the donor bacteria to the recipient bacteria
  • Asexual reproduction of bacterium is called binary fission
  • An example of photosynthetic bacteria would be cyanobacteria
  • What are probiotics?

    Helpful bacteria that live in the human digestive tract
  • What do probiotics do?

    Stop disease from growing in guts, produce vital vitamins, aid in digestion process to break food down into smaller particles
  • E.coli can mutate when infected
  • Helpful bacteria live on and in humans
    Harmful bacteria cause sickness
  • Botulism is harmful bacteria used in Botox treatment
  • These naturally fight off/protect from bacterial infections
    -Human skin
    -Killer T and Helper T
    -Enzymes/amino acids
  • Antibiotics fight off bacterial infections by targeting and destroying their cell walls
  • Antibiotics resistance occurs when bacterial cells are not affected by antibiotics
  • An example of a protist that use a flagella for locomotion would be a euglena