A level physics - Particles and Quantum phenomena

Cards (109)

  • The main constituents of an atom are the proton, neutron, and electron.
  • Strangeness is not always conserved in a weak interaction.
  • Strange particles are produced through the strong interaction and decay through the weak interaction.
  • The strangeness value of a strange quark is -1.
  • Specific charge is defined as the charge to mass ratio: Specific charge = charge / mass.
  • The specific charge of a proton is 1.6 x 10^-19/1.67 x 10^-27 = 9.58 x 10^7 C/kg.
  • The letter associated with a proton number is Z.
  • A nucleon is a constituent of the nucleus: a proton or a neutron.
  • The letter representing nucleon number is A.
  • The correct notation for an isotope is X A Z X Z A.
  • Carbon dating uses the proportion of carbon-14 in a material to estimate its age.
  • Examples of baryons include the proton (uud) and the neutron (ddu).
  • The pion can be an exchange particle for the strong nuclear force.
  • Both baryons and mesons are hadrons, which are made of 2 or more quarks held together by the strong nuclear force.
  • Examples of leptons include the electron, muon, and neutrino, and their antiparticles.
  • The pion and kaon are both examples of mesons.
  • The proton is the only stable baryon and all baryons will eventually decay into protons.
  • A muon decays into an electron.
  • A kaon decays into a pion.
  • Energy, charge, baryon number, lepton number, momentum, and strangeness are conserved in particle interactions.
  • The strong nuclear force is the fundamental force that keeps the nucleus stable by counteracting the electrostatic force of repulsion between protons.
  • Pair production is when a gamma ray photon is converted into a particle-antiparticle pair.
  • Weak nuclear interaction occurs when quark character changes, affecting all types of particles.
  • The minimum energy of a photon required to make a proton-antiproton pair is 2 x proton rest energy 2 x 938.257 = 1876.514 MeV.
  • The exchange particle of the weak nuclear force is the W boson (W+ or W-).
  • The four fundamental forces are Gravity, Electromagnetic, Weak nuclear, and Strong nuclear.
  • When a particle and antiparticle meet, it's called annihilation, where the mass of the particle and antiparticle is converted back to energy in the form of 2 gamma ray photons which go in opposite directions to conserve momentum.
  • The virtual photon is the exchange particle of the electromagnetic force.
  • The electromagnetic force acts on charged objects, for example when a positively charged ball repels another positively charged ball.
  • The antiparticle of π0 (pion with 0 charge) is itself.
  • Hadrons are particles affected by the strong nuclear force.
  • Beta minus decay is when a neutron turns into a proton, the atom releases an electron and an anti-electron neutrino.
  • Nuclei which have too many of either protons or neutrons or both are unstable.
  • Beta minus decay is a process where a neutron decays to a proton by the weak interaction, changing the quark character from udd to uud.
  • The antiparticle of an electron is a positron.
  • For each particle there is an antiparticle with the same rest energy and mass but all other properties are the opposite of its respective particle.
  • The existence of the neutrino was hypothesised when the energy of particles after beta decay was lower than before, a particle with 0 charge (to conserve charge) and negligible mass must carry away this excess energy, this particle is the neutrino.
  • The range of the strong force is repulsive up to 0.5fm, attractive from 0.5-3fm, and negligible past 3fm.
  • Every particle has a antiparticle.
  • Alpha decay is a process where a nucleus emits a helium nucleus formed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.