Exothermic reaction that occurs in mitochondria of cells to release energy from glucose
What do organisms need energy for?
1. chemical reactions to build larger molecules 2. muscle contraction for movement 3. keeping warm
Difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
aerobic uses oxygen. aNaerobic does Not use oxygen
Equation for aerobic respiration(words)
glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
Why does aerobic respiration release more energy than anaerobic respiration?
glucose not completely broken down in anaerobic respiration so less energy is transferred
What is anaerobic respiration in yeast cells called?
Equation for fermentation(words)
glucose -> ethanol + carbon dioxide
How does the body supply muscles with more oxygenated blood during exercise?
increase heart rate. rapid breathing. taking deeper breaths. means more air coming into body and more oxygen being pumped around
What substance builds up in muscles during anaerobic respiration?
lactic acid
What happens to muscles during long periods of activity?
lactic acid builds up in muscles which stops efficient contracting
Oxygen debt?
amount of oxygen the body needs AFTERexercise to react with the lactic acid built up
How is lactic acid removed from the body?
lactic acid in muscles -> blood takes it to liver -> gets converted back to glucose
What is metabolism?
sum of all the reactions in a cell or the body
Examples of metabolic reactions?
1. glucose -> starch or glycogen or cellulose OR 2. glycerol and fatty acids -> lipids OR 3. glucose + nitrate ions -> amino acids OR 4. photosynthesis OR 5. respiration OR 6. excess proteins break down into urea
Aerobic respiration?
1. exothermic reaction 2. glucose reacts with oxygen 3. releases energy for cells to use
Where does aerobic respiration happen?
Why do organisms need the energy released by respiration?
1. synthesis of larger molecules 2. muscle contraction 3. maintain body temperature 4. active transport
Equation for anaerobic respiration in animals (humans)?
glucose -> lactic acid (+energy)
Anaerobic respiration?
exothermic reaction where glucose is broken down to release energy in the absence of oxygen
How do muscles store glucose?
as glycogen
anaerobic respiration in yeast cells
Why is fermentation reaction important?
used in production of bread and beer (and other alcoholic drinks)