Cards (17)

  • Highly valid - It explains and predicts behaviours like taste aversion
  • Mainly focuses on involuntary response and doesn't account voluntary human behaviour
  • Strengths:
    What did CC lead to - Led to practical inventions that helped people for example systematic desensitisation and aversion therapy
  • Strengths
    Why was it an important form of learning - It explained many behaviours in humans and animals
    It explained and described the ability that animals have to learn associations between reflex behaviours and stimuli
  • Strength
    What did behaviourism lead to - It led to theories and laws of learning and the appreciation of the role of environment in shaping behaviour
  • Strengths
    How were the striking discoveries of animal behaviours were important - It made research more relevant for non-human animals than humans
  • Strengths
    How was is good way for animals to learn - Because it was achievable by the simplest species like slugs
  • What type of wide range valuable practical applications used CC - Treatment of depression and anxiety
  • Weakness
    Why is the learning a weakness - It's new and more complex
  • Weakness
    What is it limited to explain - Involuntary behaviours becoming associated with the new stimuli
    Why is this a weakness - Most human behaviour is voluntary and it lacks the meaning of complex human behaviours
  • Weakness
    Why is CC environmentally deterministic - The environment isn't the only cause of behaviours and isn't a result of simple association
  • Weakness
    Why is behaviourism reductionist-
    It's good because it is scientific, has a highly controlled experiments and established cause and consequence
    It's bad because it leaves out things that affect humans like thoughts, socialisation, intelligence and culture
  • Weakness
    Why was the research limited - Was done on animals
  • Weakness
    What did behaviourists not consider - The influence of thought, emotional states and cognitive processes in learning processes
  • Weakness
    What did behaviourist refuse to study -Internal mental processes
  • Failed to consider biology
  • What did the Little Albert study fail to consider - Psychological harm to the child