Biocapacity is the amount of resources available to support human life.
Biological diversity is the variety of life on Earth, including the number of species and the distribution of those species.
Biofuel power is the method of energy production that uses biomass as a fuel.
Carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted by a person or organisation over a period of time
Cartel: an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition
Carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals that an ecosystem can support.
The circular economy is a model of economic development that aims to regenerate natural resources and reduce waste
Club of Rome - 1972 - predicted that the world would run out of resources and that the world would be unable to sustain its population
Core countries are associated with being the economic centre of the Earth also called MEDCs or HICs
Crude Oil is unrefined oil straight from the ground
Ecological Footprint the hypothetical area of land (and water) required by a society, a group or an individual to fulfill all their resources needs and assimilate all their waste; measured in global hectares (gha).
Embedded water is the way in which water is transferred from one country to another through exports
Emile Durkheim is the French sociologist who built Thomas Malthus's theory and believed that an increase in population density would lead to a greater division of labor and allow for an increased level of productivity.
Energy from waste is a method of energy production that taps into landfills to capture methane and other combustible gases to burn
Energy security is access to clean, reliable and affordable energy sources for cooking, heating, lighting, communications and productive uses; a countries ability to obtain all of its energy needs
Esther Boserup she claimed thatKnowledge and Technology will always increase the food supply because when a crisis arises someone will find a solution.
E-waste is the waste that is generated from electronic devices and equipment.
Food security is the ability of a country to provide enough food for its population.
Fossil Fuels - Coal, oil and natural gas, oil shale
Geopolitics are political relations among nations relating to borders/territories/resources.
Geosequestration is absorbing CO2 out of the air, compressing it into liquid form and injecting the liquid back into the ground.
Hydroelectric power is a reliable and renewable form of energy generation created by turbines that are orated from the water pressure resulting from dams
Incineration is the burning of rubbish
IPCC is the Internal Panel on Climate Change, set up at the request of UN members and is dedicated to providing the world with a scientific view of climate change.
The Kyoto Protocol called on countries to reduce emissions based on a common but differentiated responsibility based on historic pollution, countries signed the document with a pledge to reduce emissions by a certain amount.
The Limits to growth model is a graph produced by the Club of Rome that examines the long term trends of population, agriculture, natural resources, industry and pollution
Living Planet Index is the most widely used measure of biodiversity. It is a measure of the amount of land area that is covered by forests, grasslands, wetlands, and other ecosystems.
Malthusian Catastrophe - The idea that population growth will eventually outstrip the resources available to support it
A Neo-Malthusian is a person that believes resources must be used sustainably to avoid a malthusian catastrophe and that technology may help but cannot save us.
Nuclear power is a reliable and abundant source of energy created by heating up water with radioactive material, with a super harmful waste product.
OPEC is an organization of 13 countries that control the production of oil and gas
Optimum Population is the population size that will produce the highest per capita economic return
Peak oil is the point at which the maximum rate of extraction of oil from a given reservoir is reached
Periphery countries are countries that are not part of the core countries of the world, also known as LEDCs or LICs
Renewable resources are resources that can be replenished as they are used.
Semi-periphery countries are countries that are not fully integrated into the core of the global economy
The Sustainable Development goals are a set of 17 goals that are aimed at improving the lives of people around the world
Thomas Malthus believed the planet has a finite population size that will be determine by food supply
Tidal power is the most common renewable energy source. It is the energy produced by the tides.
Tragedy of the commons explains the lack of control over how basic Human Resources are used.