personality, attitudes, arousal and anxiety

Cards (65)

  • personality is formed by 3 theories - trait theory, social learning theory and interactionist theory
  • trait - behaviour is a function of personality
  • social learning - behaviour is a function of environment
  • interactionist - behaviour is a function of personality and environment
  • trait theory- i nnate , s table , e nduring
  • Eyesenck + cattell
    A) neurotic
    B) extrovert
    C) stable
    D) introvert
    E) successful athlete
  • cattell added toughmindedness as another axis
  • Type A - competitive , works fast , desire to succeed , control , prone to stress
  • type b - non-competitive , work slowly , lacks desire to succeed , no control , less stress
  • social learning theory - all behavior is learned, o bservation of significant others
  • interactionist - combination of trait and social learning
  • hollanders model
    A) psychological core
    B) role related behaviour
    C) typical response
  • attitudes - combination of beliefs and feelings which lead us to think and behave positively or negatively
  • woods triadic model
    A) cognitive
    B) affective
    C) behavioural
  • formation of attitudes - media , prejudice , teachers , family , friends
  • prejudice- prejudgement of a person, group or situation usually based of inadequate information
  • persuasive communcation
    • the athlete must pay attention and understand the message
    • the coach must be an expert and trustworthy
    • the message must be clear and balanced between emotion and logic
  • cognitive dissonance - two completely different and contradictory facts affect behaviour
  • Arousal - state of mental and physical preparation for an action
  • symptoms of arousal - faster heart rate , faster breathing rate , sweating , ability to focus , response to danger
  • hulls drive theory - gross skills , more arousal = more likely dominant response
  • inverted u theory - too much arousal = decrease perfomance
  • optimum arousal depends on
    • type of activity
    • skill level of performer
    • personality of performer
  • anxiety - emotional state similar to fear
  • somatic ( physiological) - raised Heart rate , raised breathing rate , sweating
  • cognitive (psychological) - worry , negative feelings , nervousness
  • Trait anxiety -
    • tendancy to be fearful in unfamiliar situations
    • percieve competitive situations as threatening
    • respond to competitive situations with apprehension and tension
  • state anxiety - emotional response to particular situations
  • stressors -
    • social
    • chemical
    • bacterial
    • physical
    • climatic
    • psychological
  • cognitive relaxation techniques - imagery relaxation , thought stopping , visualisation , pre game routines, self talk
  • imagery relaxation - think of place assaociated with warmth and relaxation
  • thought stopping - when negative thoughts begin , performer immediately thinks stop and substitutes a positive thought
  • visualisation - performer consciously imagine a performance
  • pre game routine - set of drills which simulate competitive situation
  • concentration - state of mind in which attention is directed towards specific activity
  • self talk - a person talks through process of competitive situation
  • somatic relaxation techniques - progressive muscle relaxation , centring , biofeedback
  • progressive muscle relaxation - athlete visualises tension flowing out of muscle group until fully relaxed
  • centring - control of diaphragm and breathing to reduces physiological symptoms
  • aggression - intention to harm outside the rules