Prokaryotic cell: bacterial cell (smaller and simpler)
Animal cells:
Mitochondria: reaction for aerobic respiration take place
Cell membrane: control what goes in and out
Ribosomes: synthesis of protein
Cytoplasm: most chemical reaction happens. I contains enzymes
Nucleas: contains genetic material
Plant cell:
Chloroplasts: where photosynthesis occur , contain chlorophyll
Vacuole: contain cell sap to maintain the internal pressure of the cell
Cell wall made of cellulose to strengthen the cell
Prokaryotic cells:
Cell membrane
Chromosomal DNA: control cell's activity and replication
Plasmid DNA: contain exta genes e..g drug resistant can be passed between bacteria
Flagellum: hellp bacteria to move away from harmful substance e.g. toxin and towards beneficial things like nutrients
Specialised cell: cell that has a structure adapted to it's function
Egg cell: carries female DNA and feeds developing embryo
haploid nucleas: half of the chromosomes, when an egg and sperm join together, they make cell with the normal number of chromosomes
nutrients in the cytoplasm to feed embryo
cell membrane change structure after fertilisation to prevent more sperm entering
Sperm cell: transport male DNA to egg
haploid nucleas
acrosome: enzymes for digesting egg membrane
Lots of mitochondria: provide energy for swiming
tail: swiming to egg
Ciliated epithelial cell: move substance along internal surface e.g. mucus in airways
beat to move substance in one direction along the surface of the tissue
Enzymes: catalyse chemical reaction
each enxyme only catalyse one specific reaction because f it's unique shape of active site
Substrate fit into the active site
enzyme remain unchange and products are produced
Electron microscope are invented after ligt microscope
electron microscope have a higher magnification and resolution than light microscope
They'll let us see smaller things in more detail and understand subcellular structure better
However they are hard to carry around and can only see dead things (vaccum)
Resolution: how well a miscroscope distinguish between 2 points that are close together
Factors affecting enzyme activity
High temperature and high and low pHs denature enzymes ( change the shape of the active site so the enzymes no longer work )
optimum (temperature)
More substrate means enzyme and subtrate are more likely to meet, until all active site is full
Enzyme in organisms: Enzyme break big molecule into smaller ones, which are used for life processes + catalyse synthesis reaction
carbohydrate (starch) -- carbohydrases --> sugars
protein -- Proteases --> amino acids
Lipid -- Lipase --> glycerol and fatty acids
Calorimetry: used to find amount of energy in food
weight food sample and put it on mounted needle
add a set volume of water to a boiling tube and record it's temperature
Set fire to the food. Hold it under the boiling tube until it goes out. Repeat until the food no longer catch fire
record water temperature
Energy in food (J) = mass of water (g) x temperature change of water ( Celcius) x 4.2
DIffusion: the net movement of particle from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
only very small molecule (e.g. glucose) can diffuse across cell membrane
Active transport : the movement of particles aginst a concentration gradient. It requires energy from respiration
Osmosis: the net movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from high water concentration to low water concentration
total magnification = eyepiece lens magnification x objective lens magnification
magnification = image size / real size
start with the lowest - powered lens then move the stage up with the coarse adjustment knob
Look down the eyepiece and adjust the focus wit the adjustment knob (use the fine one first)
Switch the lamp on
To see the slide with a greater magnification, swap to a higher - powered lens and refocus
For the spciment:
water drop
cover with a slide at an angle
A) coarse adjustent knob
B) eye piece
C) objetive lens
D) Stage
E) Fine adjustment knob
Test for biological molecules:
Iodine test : add iodine solution in a food sample and mix, browny - orange = blue - black for starch
Biuret test: Add potassium hydroxide solution to a food sample, followed by copper sulphate solution, blue to purple for proteins
Emulsion test: Add ethanol to food sample and shake for a minute. Pour the solution into water, clear = milky emulsion for lipids
Benedict's test: Add Benedic's regent to a food sample and leave in water bath at 75, blue to green, yellow, brick-red (increasingly sugar concentration) for reducing sugar
Investigate osmsis in potatos:
cut potatos into identical cylinder
divide cylinder into groups of three and measure the mass of each group
Prepare beaker containing different concentration of surcrose solution and one of pure water. Put one group of cylinder in each beaker
Leave foor at least 40 minutes then take out and dry them gently with a paper. Measure the mass again.
Investigate osmosis in potatoes :
independant variables: concentration of surcrose solution
dependant variables: potato cylinder mass
percentage change in mass = (final mass - initial mass) / initial mass x 100
Effect of PH on Amylase activity:
independant variable: pH , dependant variable time taken for amylase to break down starch
check regularly on thermometer to keep heat constant
amylase broke down starch
mixture sampled every 10 s, record time when iodine solution remains browny-orange after sample is added
A) 35
B) 3 cm3 starcc
C) 1 cm3 pH buffer solution
D) Spotting tile
E) dropping pipette
F) thermometer
Rate of reaction = 1000/ time (s)
Mass transfer by osmosis
mass in potato cylinder decreasing as the concentration of surcrosse is larger in the outside therefore water move out by osmosis
In the point, where it is 0 is when the concentration of water iss balance in both side
Then mass started in increase again as water transfer back into the potato cylinder by osmosis
Why coverslip is placed on top of the speciment
To protect it
Explain why only a small peal of speciment is used instead of a whole one?
Too thick + enable light to pass through
Explain how stomata is open?
WHen the guard cell take in water by osmosis = turgid
What is the contollable variable for water
The starting temperature of water
Give one way in which the student can ensure the measurement of mass of the cube is accurate
Repeat the reading of the mass and calculate the mean or use a more sensitive mass balance that reads more decimal place
Explain why potato cell wall didn't burst when placed in water
cell wall
gives strength and support
Describe how to use a microscope to obtain a clear image of the cells 

switch the lamp on
Start with the lowest object lens and look through the eyepiece lens
Use the wheel to obtain a clear image
Describe how a student will prepare microscope slide using these cells
use a thin section of meristem
add a stain such as iodine
place a cover slip at an angle on top of that sample
Precaution when heating hydrochlori acid
avoid direct contact by wearing gloves
heat in fumecupboard
Convertion of units
Convertion of units
A) 1000
B) 100
C) 10
D) 1000
E) 1000
F) um
G) nm
How does synapse transmission work?
neurones transmit electrical impulses
synapse is a gap between 2 neurones
triggering the release of neurotransmitters
which diffuse across the synapse
as chemical signal
neurotransmiter bind to receptor on the next neurone
trigger an electrical impulses in the next neurone