Fertilityrate, which is the average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime, is a key factor influencing population growth.
Study of Population
Mortality is the number of Deaths in a Population.
Crude Birth Rate is the simpliest and most common index of fertility.
General Fertility Rate is the first refinement in measuring fertility because women of childbearing age 15-49 years old are more focused here.
The formula to compute Mid-year Population is Pt = Po[antilog (log1.0 + r) x t]
Gross Reproduction Rate or GRR is the number of Daughters a woman will have during her lifetime. This is important because it shows the daughters that will replace the mother and reproduce themselves.
Total Fertility Rate refers to the number of children a woman will have during her lifetime.
Net Reproduction Rate or NRR is the average number of daughters that will be born to a woman if she will have children conforming to the age-specific fertility and mortality of a given year.
Child-Woman Ratio or CWR is the number of child aged 0-4 per 1,000 women.
Crude Death Rate or (CDR) is the number of deaths per 1,000 population.
Age-Specific Death Rate or ASDR is the pattern of mortality in a given time period.
Infant Mortality Rate or IMR is the number of deaths of below 1 year old children.
Mortal Mortality Rate or MMR is the number of Women who died because of childbearing.
Life Expectancy at Birth is the number of years a newborn is expected to live. This is the most common mortality indicator.
The Life Table is a mathematical table that is divided in to two. Unabridged is calculated using Data by single years, while Abridged is calculated by using 5-year age groups.
Life Expectancy is the average or estimate number of additional living years.
Migration is the movement of people in a population in or out.
The two types of Migration is Internal Migration which is within the country. The second is International Migration which is between countries.
Migration is said to be difficult to measure because it is not normally recorded.