
Cards (20)

  • Fertility rate, which is the average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime, is a key factor influencing population growth.
  • Study of Population
  • Mortality is the number of Deaths in a Population.
  • Crude Birth Rate is the simpliest and most common index of fertility.
  • General Fertility Rate is the first refinement in measuring fertility because women of childbearing age 15-49 years old are more focused here.
  • The formula to compute Mid-year Population is Pt = Po[antilog (log1.0 + r) x t]
  • Gross Reproduction Rate or GRR is the number of Daughters a woman will have during her lifetime. This is important because it shows the daughters that will replace the mother and reproduce themselves.
  • Total Fertility Rate refers to the number of children a woman will have during her lifetime.
  • Net Reproduction Rate or NRR is the average number of daughters that will be born to a woman if she will have children conforming to the age-specific fertility and mortality of a given year.
  • Child-Woman Ratio or CWR is the number of child aged 0-4 per 1,000 women.
  • Crude Death Rate or (CDR) is the number of deaths per 1,000 population.
  • Age-Specific Death Rate or ASDR is the pattern of mortality in a given time period.
  • Infant Mortality Rate or IMR is the number of deaths of below 1 year old children.
  • Mortal Mortality Rate or MMR is the number of Women who died because of childbearing.
  • Life Expectancy at Birth is the number of years a newborn is expected to live. This is the most common mortality indicator.
  • The Life Table is a mathematical table that is divided in to two. Unabridged is calculated using Data by single years, while Abridged is calculated by using 5-year age groups.
  • Life Expectancy is the average or estimate number of additional living years.
  • Migration is the movement of people in a population in or out.
  • The two types of Migration is Internal Migration which is within the country. The second is International Migration which is between countries.
  • Migration is said to be difficult to measure because it is not normally recorded.