Based on principle of activeneurons requiring more energy = glucose + oxygen = more bloodflow directed to active areas (haemodynamic response)
fMRI applies powerful magneticfield to subject -> radiowaves 'bounce back' from brain tissue
Oxygenated + deoxygenatedhaemoglobin = diff. magnetic fields = diff. radiowaves produced -> active/less active areas of brain can be mapped
Radiowaves collected to generate 3Dimage of brain reflecting active/lessactive areas
What do fMRIs tell us?
Show which parts of brain = active during specific tasks
Allows correlation between functioningareas of brain + tasks undertaken during scan
Latency of c.5 seconds
Spatialresolution = c.1 millimetre
What are the strengths of fMRIs?
Much betterspatialresolution than EEGs/ERPs -> narrow brain function to c.1mm
Able to show functioning no matter what area of the brain it is in, e.g. limbicsystem = superior to EEGs/ERPs -> more conclusions can be reached about which parts of brain are responsible for behaviour
fMRIs superior to other scanning + non-scanning techniques too, e.g. MRIs can show brain with same level of detail but don't show same level of functioning = no way of showing how activityimpactsbehaviour
What are the weaknesses of fMRIs?
fMRIs measure bloodflow in the brain, not activity itself = we must inferneuronal info = no conclusions can be drawn about neuronalactivity'snature
Inferior to EEGs/ERPs for temporalresolution -> other scanning methods = near realtime, while fMRIs are up to 5 seconds behind = brain activity shown occurs 5 seconds aftertask performed
fMRIs can only provide correlationalconclusions about brain functioning -> we can see behaviour performed + bloodflow in brain but we cannot ensure a causal connection
What is an EEG?
Electrodes placed on scalp to measure generalbrainactivity
How do EEGs work?
Electrodes placed on scalp
Measure electricalactivity (actionpotentials) of neurons directly below electrodes
Detect + record activity of millions of neurons = general picture of overall activity
More electrodes = fuller picture
What do EEGs tell us?
General brain activity in realtime
Synchronised patterns in brainwaves
Desynchronised patterns in brainwaves
Latency only up to 1 millisecond
Can reveal certain neurologicaldisorders, e.g. epilepsy = spikes of electrical activity, brain injury = slower patterns
What are the strengths of EEGs?
EEGs better at showing dynamicbrainactivity than fMRIs -> temporalresolution of less than 1 ms = show brain activity in nearly realtime
EEGs much cheaper than fMRIs (thousands rather than millions of £) = more easilyaccessible for research -> more research can be undertaken + verified
What are the weaknesses of EEGs?
EEGs can only provide psychologists with a limitedrange of understanding -> measure generalbrain activity rather than specificneuronal activity = terrible spatialresolution = impossible to find where brain waves originate
EEGs can't give insight into activity belowneuralcortex -> only measure faintelectricalpulses of actionpotentials being generated directlybelowelectrodes = can't see activity deeper in the brain, e.g. regulation of emotions in limbicsystem
EEGs only give correlationalconclusions between behaviour + brain activity
Name the types of brain waves:
A) Gamma
B) Beta
C) Alpha
D) Theta
E) Delta
What is an ERP?
Statisticalanalysis of hundreds of readings of EEG raw data
How do ERPs work?
Statisticalanalysis of ERP raw data
Stimulus presented 100s of times
Each time stimulus is presented -> it's 'time-locked' = precisetime of presentation noted
Meanwhile, brain activitymeasured with EEG
Recordings of time-locked periods superimposed on top of each other
Computer adds them together + cancels out backgroundelectrical activity = 'statisticalaveraging'
What do ERPs tell us?
Specific brain waves responsible for specificfunctions
Latency = fraction of a millisecond = reveal early stages of cognitiveprocessing
e.g. Sensory ERPs = within first 100 ms, cognitive ERPs = post-100 ms
General area of cortex involved
What are the strengths of ERPs?
Based on EEG data = share strengths of EEGs -> much better at showing dynamicbrainactivity than otherscanning methods + temporalresolution of less than 1 ms = brain activity shown in nearlyrealtime compared to lag of fMRIs -> AND, ERPs = cheaper than fMRIs, too
ERPs = only way of studying brain that enablecausalrelationships to be drawn between brainactivity + behaviour -> researchers can create IV by repeatedlypresentingstimulus + using averaging to identify direct effect on brain activity (DV)
What are the weaknesses of ERPs?
Based on EEGtechnology = only provide psychologists with limitedunderstanding -> measure generalbrainactivity rather than specificfunctioning due to terrible spatialresolution -> impossible to find out from where brain wavesoriginate
ERPs give no insight into activity belowneuralcortex -> only measure faintelectrical impulses of actionpotentials generated directly belowelectrodes = unable to tell us anything about neuralactivity controlling important functionsdeeper in brain, e.g. regulation of emotions in limbicsystem
What are post-mortem examinations?
Visualexamination of a chemically treatedbrain after death to find connections between abnormality in the brain and abnormalbehaviour during life
How do post-mortem examinations work?
Observable atypicalbehaviours studied while subject is alive
Neurobiology studied after death
Brain surgicallyremoved + systematicallydissected to investigate differences between brains
Brain investigated for anomalies (damage or difference from other brains, e.g. schizophrenia often = enlargedventricles)
Anomalies/characteristics of deceased brain correlated with unusual living behaviours
What do post-mortem examinations tell us?
Location of damage in brain
Brain structurecorrelated with specific behaviours, e.g. Broca (1861) or Annese et al. (2014)
What are the strengths of post-mortem examinations?
Responsible for much biopsychologicalknowledge in Psychology -> without post-mortem examinations we would struggle to make such breakthroughs that enable our understanding of brain processes like language + memory = huge contribution to Psychology!
Post-mortems have improved as technology has advanced + are moreadvanced than scanning techniques in many ways -> enable detailedexaminations of neuroanatomy + neurochemistry, e.g. staining can give more insight into functioningareas of brain than fMRIs + all areas of brain can be studied
What are the weaknesses of post-mortem examinations?
Can never be conducted on functioningbrain -> any conclusions drawn can only be correlational + retrospective because subject is no longer alive = no follow-upstudies can be done -> no way to conduct furtherexam of functioningbrain to testconclusions
Can't be sure that condition of deceasedbrain is similar to how it was in life, e.g. cause of death may have affected brain (e.g. stroke) + any treatments given at end of life/timedelay could affect brain, too
Only correlationalconclusions can be drawn because the person has died!