2 Person for infants: 15:2, breaths every 3-5 seconds (12-20 breaths per minute)
V fib and V tachy = shock advised
V tachy (150-200 bpm)
treating chest pain begins with placing in a position of comfort (Fowler, semi-Fowler), high flow o2, vital signs then nitroglycerin (contraindicated for systolic below 100)
Aspirin: 2-4 x 81 mg
cardiac patients with chest pain; only given with medical direction
Absolute contradictions: allergy or liver damage, pediatric, inability to chew
contradicted if systolic BP less than 100, head injury, ED meds in past 48 hours, max 3 doses, bradycardia (HR below 50), tachycardia (HR above 110)
Pulmonary embolism
decreased breath sounds, hypotension, JVD, tracheal deviation toward unaffected side
Hemorrhagic Stroke More likely to have headaches, altered mental, seizure, vomiting, hypertension
Tachycardia, hypotension but also with fever, warm skin
Cardiogenic Shock: heart lacks power to force proper blood volume through body
-restlessness and anxiety are early signs
-patients can then develop dyspnea, cool, clammy skin, weak thready pulse, tachycardia, rapid shallow breathing, nausea/vomiting, hypertension 🡪 hypotension
Neurogenic Shock
Bradycardia, hypotension, warmflushed skin below lvl of spinal cord, coolclammy skin above, loss of bladder control, priapism, paralysis of small bowel
Compensated shock: tachycardia
Decompensated shock:
hypotension (ominous in children)
Cushing's Triad
For pediatric patients, most cardiac arrest is from respiratory arrest
albuterol function: bronchodilator
albuterol route: nebulizer
epinephrine function: vasodilator
epinephrine route: epi pen
Aortic Aneurysm: separation of the layers within the aortic wall; tearing of intimal layer results in propagation of the dissection due to blood entering the newly created space
-uncontrolled hypertension is primary cause
-sudden onset deep chest pain radiating to shoulderblades
what they indicate: “warning stroke”, can indicate stroke coming
What to do: establish time of symptom onset, check glucose and treat if indicated, triage to most appropriate stroke center, Postictal state, alcohol intoxication, and hypoglycemia can mimic a stroke